

LIFE VERTALIM in the Early warning and control systems workshop

  LIFE VERTALIM took part in the conference organized by  LIFE NADAPTA: Early warning and control systems to prevent the impacts of sewage treatment plants Last Wednesday, December 12, a dissemination workshop of the LIFE NADAPTA project was held: Early warning and control systems to prevent the impacts of [...]

LIFE VERTALIM visits CONAMA 2018: Water and Circular Economy

LIFE VERTALIM within the European projects as a example within the working group of Water and Circular Economy The 14th edition of the National Environmental Congress CONAMA, was held from November 26 to 29 in Madrid. With the motto Rumbo 20.30, CONAMA wants to promote a reflection on how to carry out the ecological transition, addressing [...]

LIFE VERTALIM in 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM) Palermo

Last week, Tamara Fernandez presented at the 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modeling (UDM) held in Palermo (Italy) and organized by the IWA (International Water Association) a communication entitled "Model based assessment of sanitation systems for the integrated management of industrial discharges "which includes part of the results of the simulation work [...]

LIFE VERTALIM in the 3rd International conference EWaS

LIFE VERTALIM 3rd International conference EWaS 2018 LIFE VERTALIM in the 3rd International conference EWaS, entitled “Insights on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” where it has been shown and explained the LIFE VERTALIM project through the development of a platform for the SMEs industrial wastewater integration into the urban wastewater. During [...]

Field visit to start the implementation work of the instrumentation and remote control

Kick-off  LIFE VERTALIM Project LIFE15 ENV/ES/000373, in the collector network of  ONDARROA WWTP. Dossier Nº 2234. Led by CABB Last Thursday, May 10, 2018, a field visit was made to start the second stage of the Project with Dinalan (leader in the telecommunications engineering sector) through the Public Bidding-Contest process. Dinalan has established an agreement with HACH-LANGE [...]

By |May 17th, 2018|Featured, News, Uncategorised|0 Comments

2nd experts’ panel of LIFE VERTALIM project

Results from the 2nd  expers' panel of LIFE VERTALIM Project Last Thursday, April 19, the second expert panel of the LIFE VERTALIM project was held at the Berriatua City Hall. To the meeting, in addition to project partners, among the stakeholders, there were entities responsible for sanitation services, consultancies and specialized in environmental engineering, as [...]

By |April 20th, 2018|Featured, News, Noticias, Uncategorised|0 Comments

Water Management in the food industry in AGROSFERA – LIFE VERTALIM

Water management in the food industry in AGROSFERA - LIFE VERTALIM The AGROSFERA program of March 24, 2018, presented two examples of water management for recovery and savings in food production. The circular economy is fundamental to recover everything that was previously thrown away. Four tuna canneries of Berriatua, that participate in the LIFE [...]

By |March 26th, 2018|Featured, News, Uncategorised|0 Comments

Video: Participants of FIRST LEGO League Euskadi get to know LIFE VERTALIM project

Researchers from AZTI participated in November 2017 in a training day around the challenge of the human water cycle (HYDRODYNAMICS) in the FIRST LEGO League Euskadi 2017-2018. During the day, the environmental problems of not treating the wastewater of the industry and solutions for the control and management of these wastewater became known. This video [...]

By |January 4th, 2018|Eventos y publicaciones, Featured, Noticias|0 Comments

Life VERTALIM project is showcased to students from the Basque Country within LIFE programme 25th anniversary celebrations

Around 40 students of 3rd year secondary education (ESO) from San Fidel school (Gernika) visited AZTI in Derio to learn more about the LIFE VERTALIM project and how to prevent, reuse and manage food waste. This visit was organized within the celebration of 25th anniversary of LIFE programme. The LIFE programme [...]

By |December 21st, 2017|Eventos y publicaciones, Featured, News, Uncategorised|0 Comments

LIFE VERTALIM in “Treatment of wastewater in the food industry: New opportunities” conference

On 19th October, AZTI-Tecnalia and CEIT-IK4, both partners of VERTALIM project, attended "Treatment of wastewater in the food industry: New opportunities" conference in the technological park of Bizkaia. This workshop aimed at companies, universities, research centres and other interesting agents was organized to present the latest technical trends and challenges in this field. The presentations [...]

By |December 13th, 2017|Featured, Noticias|0 Comments