Nerea Peña Miranda: Precision nutrition approach for enhancing athletic performance and health in female football players | UPV/EHU
Sloane Bertin: Amélioration de la prévisibilité de la dispersion du matériel en dérive en zone côtière par fusion d’informations numériques et observationnelles | Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale
Ane López de Gamiz Zearra: Towards and integrated assessment of the Bay of Biscay ecosystem | UPV/EHU
Sonia Nieto Ortega: Development of new applications for smart sensors coupled with chemometrics for ensuring the quality and authenticity of food products within the framework of industry 4.0 | UPV/EHU
Ane del Río Lavín: Development of new analytical tools for verifying the geographical origin of farmed Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) | UPV/EHU
Igor Granado: Solving Fishing Routing Problems with Metaheuristic | UPV/EHU
Noelia da Quinta González: Development of new child-friendly methods to measure food-evoked emotions holistically | UPV/EHU
Joseba Castresana Larrauri: Análisis de metodologías de modelado de motores diésel marinos para su diagnosis y mantenimiento basado en condiciones | UPV/EHU
Amaia Ereño Artabe: Development of enzymatic assays for the detection of xenobiotic compounds in seafood | UPV/EHU
Irene Ruiz Muñoz: Abundance, composition, distribution, and fate of floating marine litter in the South-East Bay of Biscay | UPV/EHU
Amaia Astarloa Díaz: Beyond environmental drivers: the role of biotic interactions in driving top predators’ distribution and abundance | UPV/EHU
Leire Citores Martínez: From habitat to management: a simulation framework for improving statistical methods in fisheries science | UPV/EHU
Iván Manso Narvarte: Towards a 3D hydrodynamic characterization from the joint analysis and blending of multiplatform observations for potential marine applications in the southeastern Bay of Biscay | UPV/EHU
Iñaki Díez Ozaeta: Selection and characterization of novel malolactic starters from Rioja Alavesa region: in the pursuit of free-histamine wine | UPV/EHU
Maite Erauskin Extramiana: Deciphering the past and the future response of marine pelagic fishes to global warming | UPV/EHU
Natalia Díaz Arce: Zooming into the evolution of Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) using high-throughput sequencing: towards a phylogenomics and population dynamics informed management | UPV/EHU
Beatriz Sobradillo Benguría: Acoustic methods for the abundance estimation of pelagic species in the Bay of Biscay | UPV/EHU
Ibai Nafarrete Méndez: Isolation, characterization and selection of new Campylobacter specific bacteriophages to use as biocontrol agents | UPV/EHU
Dorleta García: FLBEIA fisheries management simulation model. Definition of new criteria and guidelines for efficient validation of the model using global sensitivity analysis | UPV/EHU
Sarai Pouso Omaetxebarria: Recovery of ecosystem services after restoration of a highly polluted ecosystem: the Nervioi estuary | UPV/EHU
Anaïs Rey: From port to ballast water: application of DNA metabarcoding for the monitoring of ship-borne biodiversity | Universidad de Oviedo
Javier Amezaga Mariezcurrena: Lipidómica de membrana de eritrocito en pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento de quimioterapia: alteraciones sensoriales y metabolismo | UPV/EHU
Jone Ibarruri Zamakona: Valorización de subproductos de la industria alimentaria mediante fermentación sólida y sumergida con Rhizopus sp | UPV/EHU.
Isabel García Barón: Integrating marine megafauna into ecosystem-based management: a multidisciplinary approach applied to southern european waters | UPV/EHU
Oihane Muñiz Pinto: Study of phytoplankton as food resource and toxicity risk for human health in offshore bivalve aquaculture in the Basque Country | UPV/EHU
Janire Orcajo Lago: Impacto del procesado mediante tecnologías térmicas y no-térmicas en el potencial alergénico de la β-Lactoglobulina | UPV/EHU
Eva Aylagas Martínez: DNA metabarcoding derived biotic indices for marine monitoring and assessment | UPV/EHU
Gorka Gabiña Iribar: Análisis de un combustible proveniente de aceite lubricante reciclado para uso en motores diésel marinos de media velocidad | UPV/EHU
Ernesto Villariño: Global biogeographical patterns of plankton in response to climate change | UPV/EHU
Nerea Lezama Ochoa: Biodiversity and habitat preferences of the by-catch communities from the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery in the pelagic ecosystem: The case of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean | UPV/EHU
Mercedes Caro: Food bioactive compounds effectiveness on zebrafish lipid metabolism | UPV/EHU