pantallazo emodnet

RIM 24(2): The scientific data policies in the digital age: New opportunities and threats to the “Open” tsunami

Authors: Yolanda Sagarminaga, Edorta Aranguena, Oihane C. Basurko, Manuel González, Inma Martin, Anna Rubio, María Santos, Oihana Solaun Year: 2017 Contenido: In recent years, the Open ecosystem, which includes movements such as Open Source software, Open Access and the most
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Delfin mular

RIM 24(1): Comparison of image analysis tools: efficiency and use in bentonic ecology of hard substrate

Authors: Lidia González Goñi, Ángel Borja, María C. Uyarra. Year: 2017 Content: There is a need for effective monitoring of the marine environment, optimizing the tools used to obtain ecosystems information in a systematic and repeatable way. Image analysis techniques represent a
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fondos marinos

RIM 23(2): Mapping the ecological sensitivity of benthic hábitats to human activities in the european North Atlantic Ocean

Authors: María Alkiza, Ibon Galparsoro*, María C. Uyarra, Iñigo Muxika y Ángel Borja Year: 2016 Content: Benthic habitats provide a wide range of goods and services for human (e.g. food, tourism, etc.). However, the increasing human pressures upon the marine realm threaten marine
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RIM 23(1): An executable program for analyzing time series data using Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filters

Authors: Manuel González and Almudena Fontán Year: 2016 Content: Two subroutines in Fortran for calculating the Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) and Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive (KZA) filters are provided, together with an executable program ready for application. In addition, some
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ortofoto bimep

RIM 22(4): Wave energy resource at bimep (Basque Coast)

Authors: Luis Ferrer, Pedro Liria, Rodolfo Bolaños, Almudena Fontán, Manuel González, Irati Epelde, Julien Mader Year: 2015 Content: The Biscay marine energy platform (bimep) is a demonstration infrastructure to test wave energy converters in real conditions, which is located
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Cancer Pagurus by Christophe Quintin

RIM 22(3): Cancer pagurus fishery with creels in the Basque Country: catches, biological characterization, catches per unit of effort and its habitat distribution modelling

Authors /Editors: Joxe Mikel Garmendia, Ibon Galparsoro, J. Germán Rodríguez, Juan Bald Year: 2015 Content: The edible crab (Cancer pagurus) fishery off the coast of the Basque Country exists since many years ago. However, it is not available a complete information about catches
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zostera noltei

RIM 22(2): “First data on production, phenology and seed viability on the marine seagrass Zostera noltei, within the Basque Country estuaries”

Author /Editor: Garmendia, Joxe Mikel Year: 2015 Content: Although the level of knowledge of the seagrasses of the Basque Country has increased in recent years (identification of all or almost all existing populations, distribution maps, tendencies, habitats description,
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RIM 22(1) Analysis of the suitability of habitat of carpet shell (Ruditapes decussatus) and common cockles (Cerastoderma edule) in Oka estuary (Basque Country, Northern Spain

Author: Nere Zorrozua Gamboa, Juan Bald, Guillem Chust, Ibon Galparsoro, Mireia Valle. Year: 2015 Content: The grooved carpet shell (Ruditapes decussatus) and the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) are exploited by professional and non-professional fishermen at the Oka estuary
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RIM 21(4): Guide for the evaluation of biofouling formation in the marine environment

Author /Editor: Iratxe Menchaca, Izaskun Zorita, Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, Carlos Erauskin, Ekaitz Erauskin, Pedro Liria, Iñaki Mendibil, Miguel Santesteban, Iker Urtizberea. Year: 2014 Content: Biofouling formation on submerged structures placed in the marine environment is a
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sustrato duro

RIM 21(3): Assessment of benthic hard substratum communities responses to changes in the management of anthropogenic pressures in the Basque coast

Author /Editor: Mikel Zubikarai, Ángel Borja and Iñigo Muxika Year: 2014 Content: The need to find efficient indices and indicators to assess the status of the marine enviroment and prevent further deterioration of coastal areas is one of the hot topics in today’s marine
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RIM 21(2): Tuning of protocols and marker selection to evaluate the diversity of zooplankton using metabarcoding

Author /Editor: Jon Corell and Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta (AZTI-Tecnalia) Year: 2014 Content: DNA metabarcoding consists on taxonomic assignment of individuals from an environmental sample based on their DNA sequences. In recent years, this technique has enormously evolved due to
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RIM 21(1): Protocol for fish disease assessment in marine environmental monitoring using common sole (Solea solea, Linnaeus 1758) as sentinel organism: identification of externally visible diseases and liver histopathology

Author /Editor: Izaskun Zorita, Nagore Cuevas Year: 2014 Content: Monitoring the quantification of fish diseases is a well established and widely used tool to assess pollution effects in marine environments. However, there is sparse published information on externally visible
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