Publicaciones científicas de alto impacto. Artículos científicos publicados por AZTI en 2024
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En AZTI, mantenemos un alto nivel de producción científica, superando las 140 publicaciones indexadas al año, con más del 75 % en revistas de primer cuartil (Q1). Este año, nuestros trabajos han sido citados más de 6,300 veces. La calidad de nuestras publicaciones sigue un crecimiento constante, con un promedio superior a 30 citas por trabajo.
AZTI está reconocida globalmente en el índice SCIMAGO, que mide la excelencia en Investigación, Innovación y su impacto social. Nos encontramos en el percentil que posiciona a AZTI entre el 33 % de las instituciones más destacadas a nivel mundial en nuestras áreas de conocimiento, lo que refleja nuestra gran influencia y contribución a la sociedad. Estos percentiles permiten comparar el rendimiento de AZTI con el de otras instituciones a nivel mundial en diversas disciplinas. Para ser reconocida en el índice SCIMAGO, una institución debe superar un umbral mínimo de producción científica anual, equivalente al doble del porcentaje global de esa área, según los datos de Scopus y/o SciVal.
Estos son los artículos científicos publicados por el personal investigador de AZTI en 2024.
Benthic macroinfaunal communities of the pockmark fields in the south-eastern Bay of Biscay. Garmendia JM, Muxika I, Rodriguez JG, Arrese B, Diez-Garcia I, Gomez-Ballesteros M, Sanchez F, Borja A, Galparsoro I. Continental Shelf Research 2024, 272. |
Borja A, Basset A, Bricke S, Dauvin JC, Elliott M, Harrison T, Marques JC, Weisberg SB, West R: Classifying Ecological Quality and Integrity of Estuaries. In Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Sience. Waltham: Academic Press; 2024: 125-162 |
A fishing route optimization decision support system: The case of the tuna purse seiner. Granado I, Hernando L, Uriondo Z, Fernandes-Salvador JA. European Journal of Operational Research 2024, 312:718-732. |
Increasing the reliability of the Bay of Biscay Atlantis model: A sensitivity analysis to parameters perturbations using a Morris screening approach. de Gamiz-Zearra AL, Hansen C, Corrales X, Andonegi E. Ecological Modelling 2024, 488. |
Otolith-temperature estimates in Atlantic bluefin tuna<i> (Thunnus</i><i> thynnus)</i> from the Mediterranean Sea: Insights from clumped isotope measurements. Artetxe-Arrate I, Brophy D, Dettman DL, Lastra-Luque P, Varela JL, Oray I, Arrizabalaga H, Fraile I. Marine Environmental Research 2024, 193. |
Chelidonichthys lucerna (Linnaeus, 1758) Population Structure in the Northeast Atlantic Inferred from Landmark-Based Body Morphometry. Ferreira I, Schroeder R, Mugerza E, Oyarzabal I, McCarthy ID, Correia AT. Biology-Basel 2024, 13. |
Comparison of wave overtopping estimation models for urban beaches. Towards an early warning system on the Basque coast. de Santiago I, Plomaritis TA, Avalos D, Garnier R, Abalia A, Epelde I, Liria P. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 912. |
Deactivation of internal recirculation in a full-scale Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) reveals outstanding microeukaryotic bioindicators. Salvadó H, Canals O, Pérez-Uz B, Arregui L, Serrano S. Journal of Water Process Engineering 2024, 57. |
Effect of age and dietary habits on Red Blood Cell membrane fatty acids in a Southern Europe population (Basque Country). Marrugat G, Cano A, Amézaga J, Arranz S, Embade N, Millet O, Ferreri C, Tueros I. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2024, 200. |
Effect of circulation at early life stages of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay from observational data and a Lagrangian approach. Manso-Narvarte I, Caballero A, Hernández-Carrasco I, Orfila A, Mocoroa MS, Cotano U, Jordá G, Declerck A, Delpey M, Rubio A. Journal of Marine Systems 2024, 242. |
«Extreme Highest» and «Extreme Anomalous»: Proposed indices for chlorophyll-a extreme events in European seas between 2003 and 2021. Sagarminaga Y, Borja A, Fontán A. Remote Sensing of Environment 2024, 300. |
Retrospective analysis of the pelagic ecosystem of the Western Mediterranean Sea: Drivers, changes and effects. Coll M, Bellido JM, Pennino MG, Albo-Puigserver M, Baez JC, Christensen V, Corrales X, Fernandez-Corredor E, Gimenez J, Julia L, et al. The Science of the total environment 2024:167790-167790. |
Revisiting the mercury cycle in marine sediments: A potential multifaceted role for Desulfobacterota. Rincón-Tomás B, Lanzén A, Sánchez P, Estupiñán M, Sanz-Sáez I, Bilbao ME, Rojo D, Mendibil I, Pérez-Cruz C, Ferri M, et al., Abad IL, et al., Alonso L. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024, 465. |
Valls Miro J: Robots for Underground Pipe Condition Assessment. In Infrastructure Robotics. 2024: 221-242 |
Unidirectional trans-Atlantic gene flow and a mixed spawning area shape the genetic connectivity of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Díaz-Arce N, Gagnaire PA, Richardson DE, Walter JF, III, Arnaud-Haond S, Fromentin JM, Brophy D, Lutcavage M, Addis P, Alemany F, Allman R, Deguara S, Fraile I, Goñi N, Hanke AR, Karakulak FS, Pacicco A, Quattro JM, Rooker JR, Arrizabalaga H, Rodríguez-Ezpeleta N. Molecular Ecology 2024, 33. |
Addressing the cumulative impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems, for the sustainable use of the seas. Borja A, Elliott M, Teixeira H, Stelzenmüller V, Katsanevakis S, Coll M, Galparsoro I, Fraschetti S, Papadopoulou N, Lynam C, et al., Uyarra MC. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2024, 1. |
Role of material properties in acoustical target strength: Insights from two species lacking a swimbladder. Ladino A, Pérez-Arjona I, Espinosa V, Chillarón M, Vidal V, Godinho LM, Moreno G, Boyra G. Fisheries Research 2024, 270. |
Shrinking body size of European anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. Taboada FG, Chust G, Santos Mocoroa M, Aldanondo N, Fontan A, Cotano U, Alvarez P, Erauskin-Extramiana M, Irigoien X, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Boyra G, Uriarte A, Ibaibarriaga L. Global change biology 2024, 30:e17047-e17047. |
Recovery of savory compounds from mussel cooking side stream as circular economy solution. Gutierrez M, San Martin D, Ibarruri J, Foti G, Bald C, Goienetxea N, Zufia J, Iñarra B. Environmental Challenges 2024, 14:100840. |
A workflow for standardizing the analysis of highly resolved vessel tracking data. Mendo T, Mujal-Colilles A, Stounberg J, Glemarec G, Egekvist J, Mugerza E, Rufino M, Swift R, James M, Woods P. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Variation in the levels of anisakid infection in the European anchovy <i>Engraulis encrasicolus</i> (Linnaeus) from the Bay of Biscay during the period 2000-2023 (ICES Subarea 8). Díez G, Santos M, Boyra G, Chust G, Santurtun M, Maceira A, Mendibil I, Bilbao E, Abaroa C. Parasitology Research 2024, 123. |
New Insights in Lifetime Migrations of Albacore Tuna (<i>Thunnus alalunga</i>, Bonnaterre, 1788) between the Southwest Indian and the Southeast Atlantic Oceans Using Otolith Microchemistry. Labonne M, Darnaude AM, Fily T, Petit C, Nikolic N, Parker D, Norman SJ, Clear N, Farley J, Eveson JP, Artetxe I, et al. Fishes 2024, 9. |
Using fusion effects to decrease uncertainty in distance sampling models when collating data from different surveys. Plard F, Araujo H, Astarloa A, Louzao M, Saavedra C, Bonales JAV, Pierce GJ, Authier M. Marine Mammal Science 2024. |
Children’s physiological and behavioural response during the observation, olfaction, manipulation, and consumption of food products with varied textures. Part 2: Solid products. da Quinta N, Baranda AB, Rios Y, Llorente R, Naranjo AB, de Maranon IM. Food Quality and Preference 2024, 115. |
Toward Digitalization of Fishing Vessels to Achieve Higher Environmental and Economic Sustainability. Uriondo Z, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Reite K-J, Quincoces I, Pazouki K. Acs Environmental Au 2024. |
Toward functional profiling for eDNA-based monitoring in coastal environments: A comparison of three approaches. Abad-Recio IL, Alonso-Saez L, Lanzen A. Environmental DNA 2024, 6. |
Climate change drives migratory range shift via individual plasticity in shearwaters. Lewin PJ, Wynn J, Arcos JM, Austin RE, Blagrove J, Bond S, Carrasco G, Delord K, Fisher-Reeves L, Garcia D, Louzao M, et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2024, 121:e2312438121-e2312438121. |
Global mesozooplankton communities show lower connectivity in deep oceanic layers. Canals O, Corell J, Villarino E, Chust G, Aylagas E, Mendibil I, Michell CT, Gonzalez-Gordillo JI, Irigoien X, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N. Molecular Ecology 2024. |
The role of illegal fishing on the sustainability of the coastal fishery in French Guiana. Kersulec C, Gomes H, Doyen L, Blanchard F. Environment Development and Sustainability 2024. |
A Bayesian spatially explicit estimation of daily egg production: application to anchovy in the Bay of Biscay. Citores L, Ibaibarriaga L, Santos M, Uriarte A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2024. |
Metal concentrations in transitional and coastal waters measured by passive (Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films) and spot sampling: MONITOOL Project Dataset. Rodriguez JG, Guesdon S, Amouroux I, Belzunce-Segarra MJ, Bersuder P, Bolam T, Brito P, Caetano M, Carvalho I, Correia Dos Santos MM, et al., Larreta J, et al., Menchaca I, et al., Montero N, et al. Data in brief 2024, 53:110145-110145. |
Unmasking the physiology of mercury detoxifying bacteria from polluted sediments. Pereira-Garcia C, Del Amo EH, Vigues N, Rey-Velasco X, Rincon-Tomas B, Perez-Cruz C, Sanz-Saez I, Hu H, Bertilsson S, Pannier A, Soltmann U, Sánchez P, Acinas S G, Bravo A G, Alonso L,a Sánchez O. Journal of hazardous materials 2024, 467:133685-133685. |
Antirotaviral activity of dairy byproducts enriched in fractions from hyperimmune bovine colostrum: the effect of thermal and high hydrostatic pressure treatments. Graikini D, Garcia L, Abad I, Lavilla M, Puertolas E, Perez MD, Sanchez L. Food & Function 2024, 15:2265-2281. |
One hundred priority questions for advancing seagrass conservation in Europe. Nordlund LM, Unsworth RKF, Wallner-Hahn S, Ratnarajah L, Beca-Carretero P, Boikova E, Bull JC, Chefaoui RM, de los Santos CB, Gagnon K, Garmendi J. M., et al. Plants People Planet 2024. |
Predicting important fishing grounds for the small-scale fishery, based on Automatic Identification System records, catches, and environmental data. Galparsoro I, Pouso S, Garcia-Baron I, Mugerza E, Mateo M, Paradinas I, Louzao M, Borja A, Mandiola G, Murillas A. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Challenges on blue food provision. Morales-Nin B, Zimmermann F, Merino G, Antelo LT, Murillas-Maza A, Moksness E. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2024, 2. |
Marine ecosystem-based management: challenges remain, yet solutions exist, and progress is occurring. Haugen JB, Link JS, Cribari K, Bundy A, Dickey-Collas M, Leslie HM, Hall J, Fulton EA, Levenson JJ, Parsons DM, et al., Borja A, et al. npj Ocean Sustainability 2024, 3:7. |
Development of the lexicon, trained panel validation and sensory profiling of new ready-to-eat plant-based «meatballs» in tomato sauce [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]. Talens C, Lago M, Illanes E, Baranda A, Ibargüen M, Santa Cruz E. Open Research Europe 2024, 2. |
Pan-Atlantic 3D distribution model incorporating water column for commercial fish. Valle M, Ramirez-Romero E, Ibaibarriaga L, Citores L, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Chust G. Ecological Modelling 2024, 490. |
Neuroscience tools to study the effect of the presentation form on food-evoked emotion for senior population. Baranda AB, Rios Y, Llorente R, Naranjo AB, da Quinta N. Food Research International 2024, 183. |
Valorisation of Seafood Side-Streams through the Design of New Holistic Value Chains: WaSeaBi Project. Cadena E, Kocak O, Dewulf J, Iñarra B, Bald C, Gutierrez M, San Martin D, Ibarruri J, Sorensen A-DM, Hyldig G, et al. Sustainability 2024, 16. |
Predicting the future of our oceans-Evaluating genomic forecasting approaches in marine species. Layton KKS, Brieuc MSO, Castilho R, Diaz-Arce N, Estevez-Barcia D, Fonseca VG, Fuentes-Pardo AP, Jeffery NW, Jimenez-Mena B, Junge C, et al. Global Change Biology 2024, 30. |
Comparison of amino acid release between enzymatic hydrolysis and acid autolysis of rainbow trout viscera. Dominguez H, Iñarra B, Labidi J, Mendiola D, Bald C. Heliyon 2024, 10:e27030-e27030. |
Waves from compact SeaSonde® High Frequency radars in the southeastern Bay of Biscay: measurement performance under different noise and wind conditions. Solabarrieta L, Fernandes M, Ruiz I, Ferrer M, Liria P, de Santiago I, Sanchez J, Aranda JA, Rubio A. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11. |
«Drivin» with your eyes closed’: Results from an international, blinded simulation experiment to evaluate spatial stock assessments. Goethel DR, Berger AM, Hoyle SD, Lynch PD, Barcelo C, Deroba J, Ducharme-Barth ND, Dunn A, Fu D, Izquierdo F, et al, Urtizberea A. Fish and Fisheries 2024. |
Cross-basin and cross-taxa patterns of marine community tropicalization and deborealization in warming European seas. Chust G, Villarino E, McLean M, Mieszkowska N, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Bulleri F, Ravaglioli C, Borja A, Muxika I, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Ibaibarriaga L, Uriarte Ainhize, Revilla M, et al. Nature Communications 2024, 15. |
Please don’t throw me in the briar patch! Empirical evidence on the role of instructional cues on eco-label usage in fish consumption decisions. De Bauw M, Peracaula Moner A, Santa Cruz E, Vranken L. Appetite 2024, 197:107291-107291. |
Extraction of phenolic compounds from spent coffee ground using natural deep eutectic solvents: New modeling approach. Bassani A, Garcia-Roldan A, Spigno G, Jauregi P. Journal of Food Process Engineering 2024, 47. |
Identification of suspicious behavior through anomalies in the tracking data of fishing vessels. Rodriguez JP, Irigoien X, Duarte CM, Eguiluz VM. Epj Data Science 2024, 13. |
Murillas-Maza A: The Forgotten Service: Food as an Ecosystem Service From Marine, Estuarine and Coastal Zones. In Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science (Second Edition). Edited by Baird D, Elliott M. Oxford: Academic Press; 2024: 35-78 |
Multimodel Neural Network for Live Classification of Water Pipe Leaks From Vibro-Acoustic Signals. Gunatilake A, Valls J. Ieee Sensors Journal 2024, 24:14825-14832. |
Machine-learning aiding sustainable Indian Ocean tuna purse seine fishery. Goikoetxea N, Goienetxea I, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Gon N, Granado I, Quincoces I, Ibaibarriaga L, Ruiz J, Murua H, Caballero A. Ecological Informatics 2024, 81. |
The Portuguese man-of-war: Adrift in the North Atlantic Ocean. Ferrer L, Sagarminaga Y, Borja A, Nogues M, Alegre MJ, Santos M, Boyra G, Alvarez P, Beldarrain B, Castro R, Bidegain G, González M, Revilla M, Zorita I, Solaun O, Fontán A, Rodríguez JG. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 2024, 301. |
Content and Bioaccessibility of Minerals and Proteins in Fish-Bone Containing Side-Streams from Seafood Industries. Jensen MB, Jakobsen J, Jacobsen C, Sloth JJ, Ibarruri J, Bald C, Iñarra B, Boknas N, Sorensen A-DM. Marine drugs 2024, 22. |
Assessing the mechanical properties of biobased versus fossil-based ropes and their impact on the productivity and quality of mussel (<i> Mytilus</i> galloprovincialis ) in longline aquaculture: Toward decarbonization. Arantzamendi L, Andres M, Suarez MJ, van Der Schueren L, Aguinaga M. Aquaculture 2024, 588. |
Lower fishing effort would benefit fish stocks and fisheries profitability in the Gulf of Lion in the Mediterranean Sea. Erauskin-Extramiana M, Chevallier A, Ernande B, Shin Y-J, Merino G. Marine Policy 2024, 163. |
Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) for the extraction of bioactives: emerging opportunities in biorefinery applications. Jauregi P, Esnal-Yeregi L, Labidi J. PeerJ Analytical Chemistry 2024, 6:e32. |
Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas. Borja A, Uyarra MC, McQuatters-Gollop A, Elliott M. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 2024, 301. |
Target strength measurements of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and acoustic discrimination of three tropical tuna species. Sobradillo B, Boyra G, Uranga J, Moreno G. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Age validation of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the Indian Ocean using post-peak bomb radiocarbon chronologies. Fraile I, Luque PL, Campana SE, Farley JH, Krusic-Golub K, Clear N, Eveson JP, Artetxe-Arrate I, Zudaire I, Murua H, Merino G. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024, 734:91-104. |
Simulating drifting fish aggregating device trajectories to identify potential interactions with endangered sea turtles. Escalle L, Phillips JS, Lopez J, Lynch JM, Murua H, Royer SJ, Swimmer Y, Murua J, Sen Gupta A, Restrepo V, Moreno G. Conservation Biology 2024. |
Analysis of the coastal flooding exposure of embayed beaches at a regional scale using a video monitoring network: Basque Coast (Spain). Abalia A, de Santiago I, Liria P, Garnier R, Epelde I, Nieto A, Morichon D. Ocean & Coastal Management 2024, 254. |
The role of food during oncology treatment: perspectives of cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. Adamczyk D, Maison D, Lignou S, Oloyede OO, Clegg M, Methven L, Fairfield C, Gosney M, Hernando MJ, Amezaga J, Caro M, Tueros I. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer 2024, 32:303-303. |
Atlantic mackerel population structure does not support genetically distinct spawning components [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations]. Manuzzi A, Aguirre-Sarabia I, Díaz-Arce N, Bekkevold D, Jansen T, Gomez-Garrido J, Alioto T, Gut M, Castonguay M, Sanchez-Maroño S, Alvarez P, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N. Open Research Europe 2024, 4. |
Global habitat predictions to inform spatiotemporal fisheries management: Initial steps within the framework. Bowlby HD, Druon J-N, Lopez J, Juan-Jorda MJ, Carreon-Zapiain MT, Vandeperre F, Leone A, Finucci B, Sabarros PS, Block BA, et al., Arrizabalaga H, et al. Marine Policy 2024, 164. |
Accounting for spatio-temporal and sampling dependence in survey and CPUE biomass indices: simulation and Bayesian modeling framework. Fuster-Alonso A, Conesa D, Cousido-Rocha M, Izquierdo F, Paradinas I, Cervino S, Pennino MG. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Evaluating the dependence of opportunistic Yellow-legged Gulls (<i>Larus michahellis</i>) on marine habitat and fishing discards. Zorrozua N, Granado I, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Louzao M, Basterretxea M, Arizaga J. Ibis 2024, 166:112-128. |
Lipids as biomarkers to assess the nutritional and physiological status of two diadromous fish (<i>Anguilla anguilla</i> and <i>Chelon auratus</i>) at early life stages in a temperate macrotidal estuary. Arevalo E, Mazzella N, Cabral HN, Moreira A, Jan G, Villeneuve B, Posseme C, Lepage M. Journal of Fish Biology 2024. |
Economic trade-offs of harvesting the ocean twilight zone: An ecosystem services approach. Prellezo R, Corrales X, Andonegi E, Bald C, Salvador JAF, Iñarra B, Irigoien X, Martin A, Murillas-Maza A, Tasdemir D. Ecosystem Services 2024, 67. |
Increasing marine trophic web knowledge through DNA analyses of fish stomach content: a step towards an ecosystem-based approach to fisheries research. Canals O, Lanzen A, Mendibil I, Bachiller E, Corrales X, Andonegi E, Cotano U, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N. Journal of Fish Biology 2024. |
Top predator status and trends: ecological implications, monitoring and mitigation strategies to promote ecosystem-based management. Fortuna CM, Fortibuoni T, Bueno-Pardo J, Coll M, Franco A, Gimenez J, Stranga Y, Peck MA, Claver C, Brasseur S, et al., Louzao M, Pedrajas A, et al. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11. |
How social-ecological systems resilience unfolds from distinct worldviews. Oliveira BM, Boumans R, Fath BD, Harari J. Frontiers in Sustainable Resource Management 2024, 3. |
Research priorities and roadmap for deep-sea ecology in the Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic). Galparsoro I, Menchaca I, Manso-Narvarte I, Ruiz I, Uyarra MC, Franco J, Muxika I, Canals M, Serrano A, Gonzalez-Irusta JM, et al., Borja A. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 2024, 208. |
An Improved Maximal Continuity Graph Solver for Non-Redundant Manipulator Non-Revisiting Coverage. Yang T, Valls J, Wang Y, Xiong R. Ieee Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 2024. |
Value of data in stock assessment models with misspecified initial abundance and fishery selectivity. Altuna-Etxabe M, Garcia D, Ibaibarriaga L, Huynh QC, Murua H, Carruthers TR. Fisheries Management and Ecology 2024. |
Assessment of the eutrophication status at Mediterranean sub-basin scale, within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Giani M, Pavlidou A, Kralj M, Varkitzi I, Borja A, Menchaca I, Lipizer M, Partescano E, Urbini L, France J, et al. The Science of the total environment 2024, 945:173876-173876. |
Exploring uncharted territory: new frontiers in environmental DNA for tropical fisheries management. Bhendarkar M, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2024, 196. |
Valorisation of grape stem as an alternative ingredient in rabbit feed. San Martin D, Ibarruri J, Gutierrez M, Ferrer J, Garcia-Rodriguez A, Goiri I, Urkiza J, Zufia J, de Camara ES, Inarra B. Waste Management & Research 2024.×241259660 |
Combining biotelemetry and genetics provides complementary insights relevant to the management and conservation of a freshwater predator (<i>Esox lucius</i>) living in brackish lagoons. Lukyanova O, Dhellemmes F, Dennenmoser S, Nolte AW, Arlinghaus R. Aquatic Sciences 2024, 86. |
Exploring Growth Patterns of <i>Maurolicus muelleri</i> across Three Northeast Atlantic Regions. Alvarez P, Aldanondo N, Wieczorek AM, Cariou T, Boyra G, Grimaldo E, Melle W, Klevjer T. Fishes 2024, 9. |
Visiting natural open spaces in urban areas during pregnancy and its association with daily physical activity. Vich G, Subiza-Perez M, Anabitarte A, Garcia-Baquero G, Rueda C, Colom A, Miralles-Guasch C, Lertxundi A, Ibarluzea J, Delclos-Alio X. Health & place 2024, 89:103297-103297. |
Extremely halophilic brine community manipulation shows higher robustness of microbiomes inhabiting human-driven solar saltern than naturally driven lake. Liebana R, Viver T, Ramos-Barbero MD, Bustos-Caparros E, Urdiain M, Lopez C, Amoozegar MA, Anton J, Rossello-Mora R. Msystems 2024, 9. |
Generation, Characterisation and Identification of Bioactive Peptides from Mesopelagic Fish Protein Hydrolysates Using In Silico and In Vitro Approaches. Hayes M, Naik A, Mora L, Iñarra B, Ibarruri J, Bald C, Cariou T, Reid D, Gallagher M, Dragoy R, et al. Marine Drugs 2024, 22. |
Unveiling the ecological status of the Arabian Gulf’s marine ecosystem: Insights from benthic community analysis. Jayachandran PR, V. Joydas T, Borja A, Manokaran S, Franco J, Garmendia JM, Gopi J, Manikandan KP, Asharaf M, Maneja RH, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2024, 205. |
Coastal current convergence structures in the Bay of Biscay from optimized high-frequency radar and satellite data. Bertin S, Rubio A, Hernandez-Carrasco I, Solabarrieta L, Ruiz I, Orfila A, Sentchev A. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 947. |
Assessment of the effects of dredging on metal levels in port waters using DGT passive samplers and spot sampling. Silva HC, Montero N, Belzunce-Segarra MJ, Menchaca I. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2024, 205. |
Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing biodiversity status and impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems. Borja A, Berg T, Gundersen H, Hagen AG, Hancke K, Korpinen S, Leal MC, Luisetti T, Menchaca I, Murray C, Piet G, Pitois S, Ezpeleta-Rodriguez Naiara, Sample, J. E., Talbot E, Uyarra M C. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2024, 196. |
Weakly supervised classification of acoustic echo-traces in a multispecific pelagic environment. Lekanda A, Boyra G, Louzao M. Ices Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Optimization of the autolysis of rainbow trout viscera for amino acid release using response surface methodology [version 1; peer review: 3 approved with reservations]. Domínguez H, Iñarra B, Labidi J, Bald C. Open Research Europe 2024, 4. |
Effect of ultra-high pressure homogenization on the antirotaviral activity of bovine milk whey. Graikini D, Alvarez-Sabatel S, Puertolas E, Perez MD, Sanchez L. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2024, 96. |
A sustainable blue economy may not be possible in Tanzania without cutting emissions. Queiros AM, Talbot E, Msuya FE, Kuguru B, Jiddawi N, Mahongo S, Shaghude Y, Muhando C, Chundu E, Jacobs Z, et al., Fernandes JA, Van Gennip S, Popova E. Science of the Total Environment 2024, 947. |
Yang T, Valls J, Huang L, Wang Y, Xiong R: Optimal Non-Redundant Manipulator Surface Coverage with Rank-Deficient Manipulability Constraints. In Robotics: Science and Systems 2024 pp. 221-242. Delft, Netherlands; 2024:221-242. |
Guidelines for Evaluating Artificial Light to Mitigate Unwanted Fisheries Bycatch. Yochum N, Karlsen JD, Senko JF, Wang JH, Melli V, Geraci ML, Utne-Palm AC, Breen M, Cuende E, Bayse SM, et al. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 2024. |
A Web-Based Interactive Application to Simulate and Correct Distortion in Multibeam Sonars. Boyra G, Martinez U. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2024, 12. |
Northward range expansion of Bay of Biscay anchovy into the English Channel. van der Kooij J, McKeown N, Campanella F, Boyra G, Doray M, Santos M, da Silva JF, Huret M. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024, 741:217-236. |
Small pelagic fish: new frontiers in science and sustainable management. Rooper CN, Boldt JL, Uriarte A, Hansen C, Ward T, Gaichas S. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2024, 81:984-989. |
Automatic mapping of aquaculture activity in the Atlantic Ocean. Lekunberri X, Ballester-Berman JD, Arganda-Carreras I, Fernandes-Salvador JA. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2024, 132. |
Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Spanish seafood sector. Villasante S, Murillas A, Pita P, Tubio A, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, Arangao G, Moranta J, Coll M, Ospina-Alvarez A, de Juan S, Prellezo R, et al. Marine Policy 2024, 169. |
Global distribution patterns of siphonophores across horizontal and vertical oceanic gradients [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. Claver C, Rodríguez-Ezpeleta N, Irigoien X, Canals O. Open Research Europe 2024, 4. |
An ocean practices maturity model: from good to best practices. Mantovani C, Pearlman J, Rubio A, Przeslawski R, Bushnell M, Simpson P, Corgnati L, Alvarez E, Cosoli S, Roarty H. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11. |
Genetic Sex and Origin Identification Suggests Differential Migration of Male and Female Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (<i>Thunnus thynnus</i>) in the Northeast Atlantic. Nielsen EE, Birnie-Gauvin K, Baktoft H, Arrizabalaga H, Brodin T, Cardinale M, Casini M, Helstrom G, Jansen T, Koed A, Lundberg P, Mackenzie Brian R, Medina A, Post S, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Sundelof A, Varela JL, Aarestrup K. Evolutionary Applications 2024, 17. |
Modeling fisheries and carbon sequestration ecosystem services under deep uncertainty in the ocean twilight zone. Oostdijk M, Elsler LG, Van Deelen J, Auping WL, Kwakkel J, Schadeberg A, Vastenhoud BMJ, Nedelciu CE, Berzaghi F, Prellezo R, Wisz MS. Ambio 2024. |
Tenebrio molitor flour as a partial fish replacer and its effect on the quality of hake sausages. Rodrı́guez R, Alvarez-Sabatel S, Ibargüen M, Tueros I, Talens C. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 2024:1-9. |
Trophic guilds and niche segregation among marine megafauna in the Bay of Biscay. Iglesias B, Giménez J, Preciado I, Méndez-Fernández P, Chouvelon T, Lambrechts A, Bustamante P, Fort J, Goñi N, Spitz J, Astarloa A, Louzao M. Marine Environmental Research 2024, 202:106751. |
Adaptive small-scale fisheries in the eastern Cantabrian coast through reliance on essential species. Bachiller E, Mugerza E, Murillas-Maza A, Mateo M, Korta M, Zarauz L. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024:fsae132. |
Cumulative human impacts on global marine fauna highlight risk to biological and functional diversity. O’Hara CC, Frazier M, Valle M, Butt N, Kaschner K, Klein C, Halpern BS. PloS one 2024, 19:e0309788-e0309788. |
From omnivores to vegans: Differences and similitudes among different dietary patterns in Spain. Nutrition knowledge, dietary recommendations compliance and level of food supplementation. Baranda AB, Peracaula A, Santa Cruz E, da Quinta N, Roca S. Food and Humanity 2024, 2:100300. |
Valls Miró, J.; Quincoces Abad, I.; Huang, S. Estimation of fishing net underwater geometry with embedded deformation graphs. 11th International Workshop on Marine Technology (MARTECH 2024)». «»Instrumentation viewpoint», 2024, núm. 23, p. 41-42 |
Management of jellyfish outbreaks to achieve good environmental status. Sagarminaga Y, Piraino S, Lynam CP, Leoni V, Nikolaou A, Jaspers C, Bosch-Belmar M, Fumarola LM, Borja Á, Spada E, Amorim E, Borrello P, de Angelis R, Leone A, Montero N, Ferrer L, Holland M M, Doyle T K, Tsirtsis G, Katsanevakis S. Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2024, 2. |
DNA-based marine benthic assessment methods can perform as morphological ones, but an intercalibration is needed. Borja A, Lanzen A, Muxika I. Ecological Indicators 2024, 167. |
Assessing Environmental and Economic Sustainability: Valorizing Grape Stems for Animal Feed Production. Dilek FB, San Martin D, Gutierrez M, Ibarruri J, Inarra B, Yetis U. Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2024. |
Assessing the reliability of species distribution models under changing environments: A case study on cetaceans in the North-East Atlantic. Pigeault R, Authier M, Ramirez-Martinez NC, Virgili A, Geelhoed SCV, Haelters J, Louzao M, Saaveedra C, Gilles A. Global Ecology and Conservation 2024, 56. |
Atlantic bluefin tuna tagged off Norway show extensive annual migrations, high site-fidelity and dynamic behaviour in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Ferter K, Pagniello CMLS, Block BA, Bjelland O, Castleton MR, Tracey SR, Reimer TEJ, Sundelof A, Onandia I, Wiech M, et al. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 2024, 291. |
Bayesian feedback in the framework of ecological sciences. Figueira M, Barber X, Conesa D, Lopez-Quilez A, Martinez-Minaya J, Paradinas I, Pennino MG. Ecological Informatics 2024, 84. |
Biorefinery approach for an integrated valorisation of grape pomace in distilleries. Cebrian M, Garcia-Roldan A, Ibarruri J, Zufia J, Jauregi P. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2024. |
Community successional patterns and inter-kingdom interactions during granular biofilm development. de Celis M, Modin O, Arregui L, Persson F, Santos A, Belda I, Wilen B-M, Liebana R. Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 2024, 10. |
Complementarity and sensitivity of benthic state indicators to bottom-trawl fishing disturbance. van Denderen PD, Plaza-Morlote M, Vaz S, Wijnhoven S, Borja A, Fernandez-Arcaya U, Gonzalez-Irusta JM, Hansen JLS, Katsiaras N, Pierucci A, et al. Ecological Applications 2024. |
Comprehensive Sensory Evaluation in Low-Fat Emulsions: A Systematic Review of Diverse Food Applications. Talens C, Alvarez-Sabatel S, Sanmartin E, Garcia-Fontanals L, Talens P. Food Science & Nutrition 2024. |
Do you want your paper published? – Then referee others! The view from seasoned editors. Borja A, Elliott M. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2024, 310:109006. |
The dominant marine Synechococcus clade II exhibits a non-canonical transcriptional response to cope with thermal stress. Escribano-Gómez I, Liébana R, Palacio AS, Labban A, Morán XAG, López-Urrutia Á, Alonso-Sáez L. Algal Research 2025, 85:103840. |
Dose-dependent effect of spent coffee grounds on intake, apparent digestibility, fermentation pattern, methane emissions, microbial protein supply and antioxidant status in Latxa sheep. Medjadbi M, Garcia-Rodriguez A, Atxaerandio R, Charef SE, Picault C, Ibarruri J, Inarra B, San Martin D, Serrano-Perez B, Martin-Alonso MJ, Goiri I. Journal of animal science 2024. |
Early warning indicators of decadal shifts in the planktonic assemblage of the Cabo Frio upwelling ecosystem. Matos TdS, dos Reis CS, Moura LdA, de Souza AC, Luz ACN, Bittar VT, Artioli Y, Chust G, Mariani P, Oda TO, et al. Ecological Indicators 2024, 167. |
Effective governance of marine recreational fisheries in Europe is needed to maximize the societal benefits of its fisheries. Grati F, Hyder K, Mugerza E, Arlinghaus R, Baudrier J, Bell B, Bolognini L, De Groote AI, Diogo H, Haase K, et al. ICES Journal of Marine Science 2024. |
Fish Viscera Hydrolysates and Their Use as Biostimulants for Plants as an Approach towards a Circular Economy in Europe: A Review. Domínguez H, Iñarra B, Labidi J, Bald C. Sustainability 2024, 16:8779. |
Fishing vessels as met-ocean data collection platforms: data lifecycle from acquisition to sharing. Manso-Narvarte I, Solabarrieta L, Caballero A, Anabitarte A, Knockaert C, Dhondt CAL, Fernandes-Salvador JA. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11. |
Genetics in the Ocean’s Twilight Zone: Population Structure of the Glacier Lanternfish Across Its Distribution Range. Quintela M, Garcia-Seoane E, Dahle G, Klevjer TA, Melle W, Lille-Langoy R, Besnier F, Tsagarakis K, Geoffroy M, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, et al. Evolutionary applications 2024, 17:e70032-e70032. |
Get them off the deck: Straightforward interventions increase post-release survival rates of manta and devil rays in tuna purse seine fisheries. Stewart JD, Cronin MR, Largacha E, Lezama-Ochoa N, Lopez J, Hall M, Hutchinson M, Jones EG, Francis M, Grande M, Murua J, Vanessa Rojo, Salvador J. Jorgensen. Biological Conservation 2024, 299. |
A GRASP-based multi-objective approach for the tuna purse seine fishing fleet routing problem. Granado I, Silva E, Carravilla MA, Oliveira JF, Hernando L, Fernandes-Salvador JA. Computers & Operations Research 2025, 174. |
Inactivation of <i>Anisakis simplex</i> Allergens in Fish Viscera by Acid Autolysis. Bald C, Lavilla M, Abaroa C, Aboitiz X, Diez G, Inarra B. Applied Sciences-Basel 2024, 14. |
Machine Learning Applications for Fisheries-At Scales from Genomics to Ecosystems. Kuehn B, Cayetano A, Fincham JI, Moustahfid H, Sokolova M, Trifonova N, Watson JT, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Uusitalo L. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 2024. |
Marden-Based Homotopic Enclosed Safe Motion Corridor Generation for UAV Navigation in Complex Environments. Li C, Qi X, Chen B, Huang S, Miro JV, Huang H, Ni W, Ma H. Ieee Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 2024. |
Mechanisms of recalcitrant fucoidan breakdown in marine Planctomycetota. Perez-Cruz C, Moraleda-Montoya A, Liebana R, Terrones O, Arrizabalaga U, Garcia-Alija M, Lorizate M, Martinez Gascuena A, Garcia-Alvarez I, Nieto-Garai JA, June Olazar-Intxausti, Bárbara Rodríguez-Colinas, Enrique Mann, José Luis Chiara, Francesc-Xabier Contreras, Marcelo E. Guerin, Beatriz Trastoy, Alonso L . Nature communications 2024, 15:10906-10906. |
Microbial Food Safety of Sous Vide Cooking Processes of Chicken and Eggs. Romeo M, Lavilla M, Amarita F. Foods 2024, 13. |
Otolith stable isotopes highlight the importance of local nursery areas as the origin of recruits to yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fisheries in the western Indian Ocean. Artetxe-Arrate I, Fraile I, Lastra-Luque P, Farley J, Clear N, Shahid U, Razzaque SA, Ahusan M, Vidot A, Parker D, Francis Marsac, Hilario Murua, Merino G, Zudaire I. Fisheries Research 2025, 281:107241. |
A permeable hyporheic zone may contribute to buffer the effects of a drying event on prey availability for salmonid juveniles. Arevalo E, Bardonnet A, Glise S, Gueraud F, Huchet E, Lange F, Rives J, Larranaga A. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 2024. |
Seasonal distribution of cetaceans in the European Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Virgili A, Araujo H, Astarloa A, Doremus G, Garcia-Baron I, Eira C, Louzao M, Laran S, Saavedra C, Van Canneyt O, Ridoux V. Frontiers in Marine Science 2024, 11. |
Socio-economic factors boosting the effectiveness of marine protected areas: A Bayesian network analysis. Di Cintio A, Fernandes-Salvador JA, Puntila-Dodd R, Granado I, Niccolini F, Bulleri F. Ecological Informatics 2024, 84. |
Solid-state fermentation of fruit and vegetable discards: production of nutritionally enriched ingredients and potential bioactive extracts for aquaculture sector. Ibarruri J, Manso M, López IF, Cabello-Gómez JF, Costas C, Cebrián M. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2024. |
Spatial and temporal dynamics of ichthyoplankton in a temperate estuary: identifying essential habitats for early life stages. Arevalo E, Villeneuve B, Posseme C, Lancon K, Francois B, Jan G, Quinton E, Cabral HN, Lepage M. Journal of Plankton Research 2024. |
Target strength measurements of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from a live-bait fishing vessel in the Bay of Biscay. Boyra G, Uranga J, Goni N, Godard I, Sobradillo B. Fisheries Research 2024, 280. |