Graduated in Biology at the University of Basque Country (Spain), performed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Montreal (Canada), worked as a research associate at the University of Newcastle (UK) and as a platform bioinformatics specialist at CIC bioGUNE (Spain). Since 2011, she works as senior researcher at AZTI participating in a number internationally funded projects such as DEVOTES (funded by the EU 7th Framework Program), where she led the development of a genomics based environmental monitoring tools, GBYP (funded by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), where she leads the task on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna population genetics and traceability, and AQUAINVAD-ED (funded by the EU H2020 program), where she leads the work package on early detection of aquatic invaders. She is member of the ICES Working Group for the Application of Genetics to Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Chair of the ICES Working Group on Morphological and Molecular Taxonomy. She has supervised a graduated Master and a PhD student, and she is currently supervising three other PhD students and a master student. Dr. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta has published 39 articles in indexed journals, 8 book chapters and 1 edited book; in 25 of the publications, she is first or senior last author; she accumulates more than 2300 citations and has an h factor of 20. She has delivered 22 oral contributions in conferences, 5 of them as invited speaker and 2 as session organizer and Chair. She is associated editor of Frontiers in Genetics and of Frontiers in Evolutionary and Population genetics and regular reviewer of manuscripts submitted to international journals.
Estanis Mugerza
He currently works in the design and coordination of a sampling programme for Basque Country fisheries, in the framework of the European Data Collection Framework (CE 93/2010), the management of AZTI’s fisheries data base and in the statistical analysis of fisheries data. He participates regularly in STECF Subgroup on Research Needs, in the North Atlantic Regional Coordination meeting, co-chair from 2014 to 2016, the Planning Group of Data Needs (PGDATA), and member of several ICES working groups: Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH), Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS). He has also participated in several ICES workshops related with sampling design, and has been involved in several European projects, fishPi (MARE/2014/19 Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection) leading one of the WPs, PRESPO (Responsible Fisheries) Interreg IVB. Currently, he participates in a Consultancy Project in Saudi Arabia in relation to a Fisheries Program establishment in the Gulf. He is author and co-author of various publications in SCI-indexed journals.
Iñaki Quincoces
He did a Ph.D. on the growth and reproductive biology of European anglerfish. He co-operates with the Demersal Area. He participated in STECF Subgroup on Research Needs and he is in charge of the assessment of northern white anglerfish stock in the ICES WGHMM. He has been mainly involved in several EU funded projects on the biology of demersal species: EU Study contract QLRT-2001-01825 (RASER), EU Concerted Action QLRT-2001-01891 (TACADAR) and for these recently finished demersal projects: EU Study contract 95/038 (BIOSDEF), EU Study contracts 97/015 (DEMASSESS), EU Study contract 98/095 (Western Waters discards project), EU Study contract 99/013 (GESSAN). He was internal head of project of EU-FP6-SSP8CT-2003-502482 (BECAUSE) and EU-FISH/2004/03-33-SI2.417305 (IBERMIX) and he was in charge of Bay of Biscay case study in UNCOVE project (EU-FP6-SSP8-CT-2005-02271). Between 2010 and 2013 he was in charge of two projects about ecosystem modulization (ECOSISTEMAS) and bento-demersal habitat surveys (ITSASTEKA) with the aim to answer the questions arising from the Marine Strategy. Currently he is working in the design and testing of new underwater sensors in the project H2020-BG-09-2014- 633098 (UTOFIA) and leading the introduction of BigData approaches in the routine work at AZTI. He has a broad expertise in the manipulation and design databases of geolocated data from fisheries and research surveys.
Agurtzane Urtizberea
BSc.-MSc. in Mathematics, University of the Basque Country (Leioa, Spain) and she did her PhD in the University of Bergen (Norway) (2009). Until the end of 2011, she worked as researcher in the group of theoretical ecology of the University of Bergen. She worked as specialist on modelling, fish larval ecology, animal behaviour and ecosystem models. Since 2012, she works in AZTI as senior researcher in the group of Sustainable Management of Fisheries in the ICES area. Since 2016, she is stock coordinator of the White anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) in Divisions VIIb–k and VIIIa,b,d (Southern Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay). In AZTI she is part of the developer team of FLBEIA library (An R library to conduct Bio-Economic Impact Assessment of management strategies using FLR) and she is an expert user of R and advanced of FLR. During
Marina Santurtún
She holds a Master Degree in “Tropical Marine Ecology Fisheries and Fisheries biology” from the James Cook University (Townsville, Australia). Her areas of research are: Assessment and Management, Fleet and Fisheries dynamics; Discards, Landing Obligation, Common Fisheries Policy, Management and Governance. Working in fisheries Assessment and Management for more than 15 years. Internationally, from 1999 to 2012, she coordinated the assessment of Northern Megrim in ICES WGBIE (previously WGHMM). Currently, she is the Chair of the Working Group of ICES on Cephalopods Biology and Life History. She has participated in EU Projects (VI & VII FP) as WP coordinator since 1999, leading the international research project AFRAME: A framework for fish and fisheries Management since 2007 to 2009 (VI FP). She has participated in different EU Tenders, INTERREG and Euskadi Aquitania Projects. She led the European study on Characteristics of multispecific fisheries in the European Union. 2014 [STUDY: IP/B/PECH/IC/2013_088 European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Directorate B- Structural and Cohesion Policy]. She participates in a Consultancy Project in Saudi Arabia in relation to a Fisheries Program establishment in the Gulf (2013-2016). Since 2009 attends regularly to the Regional Advisory Committees from the EU, specially AC SWW and AC NWW.
Ilaria Coscia
She was awarded a PhD in 2010 from University College Dublin (UCD), on the application of molecular tools to the study of fish evolution. Afterwards, she took on a short contract in UCD to work as a research assistant on two projects. She firstly collaborated with the ESF-funded project DEECON, on population connectivity of deep-sea fish (Centroscymnus crepidater and Macrourus berglax), carrying out the molecular work and data analysis. In September 2010 she moved to Aberystwyth University to undertake a postdoctoral position on the EU-funded project SUSFISH. In 2013, she moved to the University of Leuven (Belgium) to take a postdoctoral position as a Work Package leader of the EU project AquaTrace, and then obtained a Marie Curie Individual fellowship to work on the population genomics of the deep-sea species of the genus Molva. She has supervised four bachelor, two master and three PhD students, and is currently supervising two undergraduates and one master student. She has co-authored 23 papers (7 of which as first author). She has delivered 16 oral contributions (between conferences and invited seminars). Finally, she is a member of the ICES Working Group for the Application of Genetics to Fisheries and Mariculture and of the Scientific Committee of the ‘Flanders Marine Institute’ (VLIZ).
Jann Th. Martinsohn
Jann’s work focusses on scientific advice to marine policies and governance, in particular the Common Fisheries Policy.
His specific interest is to contribute to the introduction of genetic and genomic approaches to marine conservation as well as fisheries and aquaculture management.
After two years of civil service, working as a rescue driver and providing individual care for severely disabled people, Jann studied molecular biology with a focus on immuno- and evolutionary genetics.
He also graduated in marine science while he lived in New Zealand, where he studied at the “southernmost university of the world” and worked on a deep sea trawler targeting orange roughy, black dory and hoki in the southern pacific.
Jann holds a diploma in marine science (University of Otago, New Zealand) and a Ph.D. in immunogenetics (University of Cologne , Germany). He was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in Miroslav Radman’s department of Evolutionary and Medical Genetics at the research faculty of Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France), where he worked on in-vivo directed evolution.
Jann has co-organised international conferences, has been steering committee member of acclaimed international research projects, participated in FAO fisheries expert groups, has contributed to EU policy development and implementation, and is elected chair of the Working Group on Applied Genetics for Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA).
Ernesto Jardim
Antonella Zanzi
Scientific Project Officer, European Commission Joint Research Centre, PhD. in Computer Science
She currently works at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in the Water and Marine Resources Unit where she performs data analyses to provide scientific advice in support to the marine policies of the European Union, in particular the Common Fisheries Policy. She is also the JRC focal person for the DCF FDI (Fisheries Dependent Information) data call.
She is a member of the ICES Working Group on Applied Genetics for Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA) and she participated in the EU-FP7 FishPopTrace project and in the MedBlueSGen project, founded by the Joint Research Centre.
She holds a MSc and a PhD in Computer Science and also a MSc in Natural Sciences. Before joining the Joint Research Centre, she worked as contract professor at the University of Insubria (Italy).
Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta
Estanis Mugerza
Iñaki Quincoces
Agurtzane Urtizberea
Marina Santurtún
Ilaria Coscia
Jann Th. Martinsohn
Ernesto Jardim
Antonella Zanzi
Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta
Graduated in Biology at the University of Basque Country (Spain), performed a PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Montreal (Canada), worked as a research associate at the University of Newcastle (UK) and as a platform bioinformatics specialist at CIC bioGUNE (Spain). Since 2011, she works as senior researcher at AZTI participating in a number internationally funded projects such as DEVOTES (funded by the EU 7th Framework Program), where she led the development of a genomics based environmental monitoring tools, GBYP (funded by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), where she leads the task on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna population genetics and traceability, and AQUAINVAD-ED (funded by the EU H2020 program), where she leads the work package on early detection of aquatic invaders. She is member of the ICES Working Group for the Application of Genetics to Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Chair of the ICES Working Group on Morphological and Molecular Taxonomy. She has supervised a graduated Master and a PhD student, and she is currently supervising three other PhD students and a master student. Dr. Rodriguez-Ezpeleta has published 39 articles in indexed journals, 8 book chapters and 1 edited book; in 25 of the publications, she is first or senior last author; she accumulates more than 2300 citations and has an h factor of 20. She has delivered 22 oral contributions in conferences, 5 of them as invited speaker and 2 as session organizer and Chair. She is associated editor of Frontiers in Genetics and of Frontiers in Evolutionary and Population genetics and regular reviewer of manuscripts submitted to international journals.
Estanis Mugerza
He currently works in the design and coordination of a sampling programme for Basque Country fisheries, in the framework of the European Data Collection Framework (CE 93/2010), the management of AZTI’s fisheries data base and in the statistical analysis of fisheries data. He participates regularly in STECF Subgroup on Research Needs, in the North Atlantic Regional Coordination meeting, co-chair from 2014 to 2016, the Planning Group of Data Needs (PGDATA), and member of several ICES working groups: Working Group on Commercial Catches (WGCATCH), Working Group on Recreational Fisheries Surveys (WGRFS). He has also participated in several ICES workshops related with sampling design, and has been involved in several European projects, fishPi (MARE/2014/19 Strengthening regional cooperation in the area of fisheries data collection) leading one of the WPs, PRESPO (Responsible Fisheries) Interreg IVB. Currently, he participates in a Consultancy Project in Saudi Arabia in relation to a Fisheries Program establishment in the Gulf. He is author and co-author of various publications in SCI-indexed journals.
Iñaki Quincoces
He did a Ph.D. on the growth and reproductive biology of European anglerfish. He co-operates with the Demersal Area. He participated in STECF Subgroup on Research Needs and he is in charge of the assessment of northern white anglerfish stock in the ICES WGHMM. He has been mainly involved in several EU funded projects on the biology of demersal species: EU Study contract QLRT-2001-01825 (RASER), EU Concerted Action QLRT-2001-01891 (TACADAR) and for these recently finished demersal projects: EU Study contract 95/038 (BIOSDEF), EU Study contracts 97/015 (DEMASSESS), EU Study contract 98/095 (Western Waters discards project), EU Study contract 99/013 (GESSAN). He was internal head of project of EU-FP6-SSP8CT-2003-502482 (BECAUSE) and EU-FISH/2004/03-33-SI2.417305 (IBERMIX) and he was in charge of Bay of Biscay case study in UNCOVE project (EU-FP6-SSP8-CT-2005-02271). Between 2010 and 2013 he was in charge of two projects about ecosystem modulization (ECOSISTEMAS) and bento-demersal habitat surveys (ITSASTEKA) with the aim to answer the questions arising from the Marine Strategy. Currently he is working in the design and testing of new underwater sensors in the project H2020-BG-09-2014- 633098 (UTOFIA) and leading the introduction of BigData approaches in the routine work at AZTI. He has a broad expertise in the manipulation and design databases of geolocated data from fisheries and research surveys.
Agurtzane Urtizberea
BSc.-MSc. in Mathematics, University of the Basque Country (Leioa, Spain) and she did her PhD in the University of Bergen (Norway) (2009). Until the end of 2011, she worked as researcher in the group of theoretical ecology of the University of Bergen. She worked as specialist on modelling, fish larval ecology, animal behaviour and ecosystem models. Since 2012, she works in AZTI as senior researcher in the group of Sustainable Management of Fisheries in the ICES area. Since 2016, she is stock coordinator of the White anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) in Divisions VIIb–k and VIIIa,b,d (Southern Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay). In AZTI she is part of the developer team of FLBEIA library (An R library to conduct Bio-Economic Impact Assessment of management strategies using FLR) and she is an expert user of R and advanced of FLR. During
Marina Santurtún
She holds a Master Degree in “Tropical Marine Ecology Fisheries and Fisheries biology” from the James Cook University (Townsville, Australia). Her areas of research are: Assessment and Management, Fleet and Fisheries dynamics; Discards, Landing Obligation, Common Fisheries Policy, Management and Governance. Working in fisheries Assessment and Management for more than 15 years. Internationally, from 1999 to 2012, she coordinated the assessment of Northern Megrim in ICES WGBIE (previously WGHMM). Currently, she is the Chair of the Working Group of ICES on Cephalopods Biology and Life History. She has participated in EU Projects (VI & VII FP) as WP coordinator since 1999, leading the international research project AFRAME: A framework for fish and fisheries Management since 2007 to 2009 (VI FP). She has participated in different EU Tenders, INTERREG and Euskadi Aquitania Projects. She led the European study on Characteristics of multispecific fisheries in the European Union. 2014 [STUDY: IP/B/PECH/IC/2013_088 European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Internal Policies. Directorate B- Structural and Cohesion Policy]. She participates in a Consultancy Project in Saudi Arabia in relation to a Fisheries Program establishment in the Gulf (2013-2016). Since 2009 attends regularly to the Regional Advisory Committees from the EU, specially AC SWW and AC NWW.
Ilaria Coscia
She was awarded a PhD in 2010 from University College Dublin (UCD), on the application of molecular tools to the study of fish evolution. Afterwards, she took on a short contract in UCD to work as a research assistant on two projects. She firstly collaborated with the ESF-funded project DEECON, on population connectivity of deep-sea fish (Centroscymnus crepidater and Macrourus berglax), carrying out the molecular work and data analysis. In September 2010 she moved to Aberystwyth University to undertake a postdoctoral position on the EU-funded project SUSFISH. In 2013, she moved to the University of Leuven (Belgium) to take a postdoctoral position as a Work Package leader of the EU project AquaTrace, and then obtained a Marie Curie Individual fellowship to work on the population genomics of the deep-sea species of the genus Molva. She has supervised four bachelor, two master and three PhD students, and is currently supervising two undergraduates and one master student. She has co-authored 23 papers (7 of which as first author). She has delivered 16 oral contributions (between conferences and invited seminars). Finally, she is a member of the ICES Working Group for the Application of Genetics to Fisheries and Mariculture and of the Scientific Committee of the ‘Flanders Marine Institute’ (VLIZ).
Jann Th. Martinsohn
Jann’s work focusses on scientific advice to marine policies and governance, in particular the Common Fisheries Policy.
His specific interest is to contribute to the introduction of genetic and genomic approaches to marine conservation as well as fisheries and aquaculture management.
After two years of civil service, working as a rescue driver and providing individual care for severely disabled people, Jann studied molecular biology with a focus on immuno- and evolutionary genetics.
He also graduated in marine science while he lived in New Zealand, where he studied at the “southernmost university of the world” and worked on a deep sea trawler targeting orange roughy, black dory and hoki in the southern pacific.
Jann holds a diploma in marine science (University of Otago, New Zealand) and a Ph.D. in immunogenetics (University of Cologne , Germany). He was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow in Miroslav Radman’s department of Evolutionary and Medical Genetics at the research faculty of Necker-Enfants Malades (Paris, France), where he worked on in-vivo directed evolution.
Jann has co-organised international conferences, has been steering committee member of acclaimed international research projects, participated in FAO fisheries expert groups, has contributed to EU policy development and implementation, and is elected chair of the Working Group on Applied Genetics for Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA).
Ernesto Jardim
Antonella Zanzi
Scientific Project Officer, European Commission Joint Research Centre, PhD. in Computer Science
She currently works at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in the Water and Marine Resources Unit where she performs data analyses to provide scientific advice in support to the marine policies of the European Union, in particular the Common Fisheries Policy. She is also the JRC focal person for the DCF FDI (Fisheries Dependent Information) data call.
She is a member of the ICES Working Group on Applied Genetics for Fisheries and Aquaculture (WGAGFA) and she participated in the EU-FP7 FishPopTrace project and in the MedBlueSGen project, founded by the Joint Research Centre.
She holds a MSc and a PhD in Computer Science and also a MSc in Natural Sciences. Before joining the Joint Research Centre, she worked as contract professor at the University of Insubria (Italy).