Uhinak faces the final stretch for its celebration on 4 and 5 November in Ficoba
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• Uhinak will have a panel of 40 national and international speakers
• The climate and coastal change congress will be held in a hybrid format: face-to-face and online
(19 October 2020). “We are moving to act on the climate emergency” is the slogan under which the fourth edition of the Cross-Border Conference on Climate and Coastal Change will be held, bringing together representatives of the scientific and technical community and the public administration. An interdisciplinary approach with which this congress, promoted by Ficoba and the AZTI technology centre, aims to find out the needs of managers in the face of climate change and see what the scientific community can contribute to solving them. The subject could not be more topical. Countries, territories and cities are declaring a climate emergency.
Índice de contenidos
Four thematic blocks and 40 presentations
Uhinak proposes for its fourth edition four thematic blocks: Climate Emergency: our coastline in 2050; Extreme events and adaptation measures; Blue carbon and climate change mitigation; and Governance and management tools.
Around 40 presentations will be given by a panel of top level national and international speakers who will share ideas and reflections over two days in Ficoba in order to design the appropriate context for tackling the climate emergency and its effects on the coast from a plural, transversal and multidisciplinary perspective.
Among the long list of speakers who will be taking part in Uhinak, which can already be consulted on the congress website, there will be participants such as the Professor of Ecology, a member of the Institute of Oceanography and Global Change at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Professor and Researcher in Biological Oceanography and Climate Change, Javier Aristegi, who will be in charge of the opening speech of the first day.
In his talk, Arístegi will tackle ocean-based solutions for removing CO2: a challenge for science and governance.
The opening speech on the second day of Uhinak will be given by Dr. María J. Sanz, Professor Ikerbasque and Scientific Director of the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3), a centre of excellence of the Basque Government and Maria de Maeztu Unit of Excellence, where she leads a multidisciplinary research team. Her conference will focus on climate change and blue carbon.
Uhinak in virtual format
This fourth edition of the climate and coastal change congress will be held in a hybrid format in which the presentations and the opening itself will be held in the Ficoba Auditorium, while the congress participants will participate remotely thanks to the streaming of Uhinak’s contents.
Registration is open, and can be done on the congress website (www.uhinak.com), with reduced prices so that all those interested can register.
About Uhinak
Uhinak, Cross-border Congress on Climate and Coastal Change promoted by Ficoba and the AZTI technology centre, is supported by a Technical Committee made up of representatives from the Basque Government (Ihobe), the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the Community of Agglomerations of the Basque Country, Adegi, CSIC/ESADE/CEAB, Spanish Climate Change Office, BC3, EUCC Atlantic Center, the Association of Civil Engineers of the Basque Country, Naturklima Foundation, IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research), the Observatory for Sustainability – Cristina Enea Foundation, the New Aquitaine – Basque Country Euroregion and AZTI.
Uhinak also has the support of many institutions such as the Department of Economic development, Sustainability and Environment of the Basque Government through its public company Ihobe, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (Department of Environment), Communauté d’agglomération Pays Basque and the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region.
More information: www.uhinak.com