Jaime Zufía
Head of Efficient and Sustainable Processes
Food chain 4.0, production efficiency and savings, production efficiency and savings, circular economy: valorisation of food by-products, food processing technologies
Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia Astondo Bidea. Edificio 609 48160 - Derio (Bizkaia) Spain
Jaime Zufía: MSc in Environmental Engineering and Water Management. BSc in Biology. He has 17 years’ experience in conducting environmental projects related to eco-design of food products, Life Cycle Assessment, sustainability of food chain, sustainable production and food by-products and wastewater valorization and treatment, several of them in Latin America (Ecuador and Argentina). Currently he is the head of the Efficiency and Sustainability Department of AZTI and the responsible of Environmental Management System in AZTI. He is a directorate member of the Spanish integrated Organic waste Management, member of the Spanish Network on Life Cycle Assessment; and the Technological Platform for Fishing and Aquaculture.