Offshore marine aquaculture experimentation area
A monitored and controlled offshore site on the Basque coast (located on the coastal strip between Ondarroa and Lekeitio)

AZTI has an offshore experimentation area to test different solutions for offshore marine aquaculture. This experimental area is located on the coastal strip between Ondarroa and Lekeitio on beds 50 m deep, within an area declared as of Interest for Marine Aquaculture by the Basque Government:
- We test systems and technologies for offshore aquaculture in a coastal area that is highly exposed to waves, wind and currents.
- We monitor the growth of different species of commercial interest.
- We control the suitability for consumption of the products farmed, as well as their organoleptic quality.
- We use remote systems to observe the performance of the facility, monitoring the functioning of the systems located in the area, as well as any intrusions, and we monitor environmental and oceanographic parameters of interest for testing (temperature, salinity, currents, wave height and frequency, etc.).
- We have a site that is fully monitored and controlled, with the required administrative signaling and safety permits and where systems and technologies for offshore aquaculture can be tested.
- AZTI has the material and human resources to carry out the tests.
Joint and customised with the client (public-private agents).
Applicable sectors
- Offshore aquaculture companies
- Aquaculture training institutions, professional diving, environment, etc.
- Public Administration
- Fisheries sector (fishery diversification or combined solutions)
- Maritime Sector (auxiliary industry).
- Processing and marketing sector.
- Development agencies and/or promotion of entrepreneurship.
Proven track record
- Operational and spatial strategic planning for Public Aquaculture Programmes since 2008 (Basque Government, 2009; Regional Government of Andalusia, 2006).
- Evaluation and analysis of structural faults related to escaped fish from sea cages (European Commission, FP7).
- 20 years experience in environmental impact assessment, quality monitoring of water , benthos, sediments and discharges in aquaculture (companies in Spain and Latin America).
- LONGLINE technological assessment 2008 (Basque Government).
- Technical report in aquaculture (The Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Ass. Ltd.).
- Implementation of the first offshore aquatic permit in the Bay of Biscay and development of pilot tests for mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and oyster (Crassostrea gigas and Ostrea edulis) fattening (Basque Government).
- Guidance for the declaration of production (ZPM) and resettlement (ZRM) offshore areas for bivalve molluscs (Basque Government).
- Long-line engineering design for exposed environments (Itsaskorda S.L.)
- Branding and trademark registration (Basque Government).
- Design of an offshore submarine cage prototype for the Bay of Biscay (Innovact S.L).
- Marine aquaculture diagnoses associated with offshore wind farms (Itsaskorda S.L).
- Well-boat technology transfer for offshore transportation of bait (Mariñelak S.L.).