Pollutant impact assessment on marine
Development/implementation of ecotoxicological studies

We offer experimental analytical and consultancy services to assess the impact of pollutants on sediments and transitional and coastal waters.
Consultancy Services
- Characterisation and management of port dredging as per CEDEX standards.
- Complementary studies included in the monitoring network of the ecological state of transitional and coastal waters.
- Recommendations for the use of biocides based on eco-toxicological criteria, calculating permitted emission values, so as to avoid problems in the immediate discharge area.
Experimental analytical services
- Set of biotests with marine organisms in different food chain levels to assess the toxicity or impact of pollutants on the marine environment (water, sediment or leachate):
- Luminescence inhibition test in Vibrio fischeri bacteria (Microtox®), screening test.
- 10-day acute test: mortality of Corophium multisetosum and Corophium urdaibaiense marine amphipods.
- One-month chronic test: growth of C. multisetosum and C. urdaibaiense marine amphipods.
- 48-hour acute test: larval development of the Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin (in situ and in the laboratory)
- Application of TIE (Toxicity Identification Evaluation) techniques to establish cause-and-effect relationships: identification of pollutants responsible for toxicity
- Pollutant effect and exposure biomarkers in the marine environment:
- Xeno-oestrogenicity biomarkers: Alterations to gonadal development (fish, bivalve molluscs); Intersex (fish)
- TBT exposure biomarkers (in situ and in the laboratory): Imposex (gastropods)
- Genotoxicity biomarker: Micronuclei frequency (fish, bivalve molluscs)
- General stress biomarkers: Histopathology (fish, bivalve molluscs); Malondialdehyde levels (bivalve molluscs); Stress on Stress (bivalve molluscs)
- Implementation of the standardised procedures and protocols set up by international bodies, such as ASTM, Environment Canada, ICES, OSPAR and USEPA.
We offer experimental analytical and consultancy services to assess the impact of pollutants on sediments and transitional and coastal waters
Applicable sectors
- Port authorities, concessionaires, contractors and companies of marinas.
- Water agencies, port, environmental and maritime authorities (MAGRAMA and coastal units, Environmental Health, Maritime Authorities, City Councils)
- Associations, companies and individuals
- In the academic field, development of R&D projects jointly with national and international research bodies.
- Guidance on port dredging management in compliance with prevailing legislation (CEDEX standards): toxicity assessment through a complete set of biotests.
- Response to the demand of administrations and companies to assess the quality of marine ecosystems.
We respond to the demand of administrations and companies to assess the quality of marine ecosystems and we provide guidance on port dredging management
- Continuous availability (24h all year)
- Ongoing communication with the stakeholders involved.
- Sampling of organisms (1 day), acclimatisation (maximum 7 days), toxicity testing (maximum 10 days) and management report (7 days).
- 10 years experience in the development of biotests.
- 10 years experience in organism sampling and maintenance.