Environmental advice for dredging and disposal tasks
Efficiency in plan and project design and implementation

We provide real-time information on works in progress and offer step-by-step guidance to obtain the corresponding permits
AZTI advises public administrations and other competent organisations in the preparation of coastal activity integrated management plans , such as dredging and discharge plans in ports, coasts and off-shore. More specifically:
- Dredging plans.
- Integration of port uses in the framework of coastal management.
- Material characterisation.
- Dredging projects adapted to prevailing guidelines (MAGRAMA and CEDEX).
- Oceanographic sampling and laboratory analysis (sedimentology, physical-chemical and ecotoxicology).
- Implementation of environmental monitoring programmes using own resources, including equipped vessels.
- On-line registration of transport barge positioning, on-site visits and sampling for environmental monitoring.
- Multi-beam bathymetry and draught control to estimate project volumes (with immediate delivery).
- Tide gauging and port reference updating.
Benefits for your company
- Efficiency in the design and implementation of plans and projects.
- Step-by-step guidance to obtain the corresponding permits.
- Integrated planning of actions in contact with administrations and users.
- Guidance on works in progress.
- Real-time availability of information on-line.
Applicable sectors
- Port authorities, concessionaires, contractors and companies of marinas.
- Water agencies, fisheries, port, environmental and maritime authorities (MAGRAMA and Coastal Units, Fisheries Departments of the Autonomous Communities, Environmental Health, Maritime Authorities, City Councils, etc.).
- Mooring associations, fishermen’s associations, companies and individuals.
AZTI has carried out draught controls and offered guidance for dredging plans and their control in Basque ports for 20 years
- Continuous availability (24h all year)
- Ongoing communication with the agents involved.
- High resolution bathymetric information and accurate dredging volume estimation in less than 24h.
- Oceanographic sampling (one week), sediment, physical-chemical and ecotoxicological characterisation (between 7-10 days) and management report (delivery within 15 days).
- Installation of barge GPS tracker (in 24h), visit and work meeting (immediate availability).
- Updating of port reference in 40 days of tide gauge anchorage.
- Over 20 years continuous experience of a multi-disciplinary work team (engineers, geologists, biologists, chemists, oceanographers, analysts, sampling staff, skippers, divers, etc.).
- Specialised in the marine environment and an international benchmark.
- High performance bathymetry with calibrated multibeam echo sounder on a specific vessel fitted with RTK.
- Technical equipment and skills for sampling, analysis and modelling.
- Eco-toxicology laboratory with the possibility of performing the Microtox® preliminary test.
- Proven effectiveness by clients and partners.
Success stories
- Basque Ports Authority: uninterrupted relationship since 1994. Depth controls and guidance for dredging plans and their control in Basque ports.
- Bilbao Port Authority: uninterrupted relationship since 2004.