Assessment of discard survival
Analysis of manoeuvres, equipment and operations increasing discard survival ratesAssessment of discard survival

Our technicians are working on the assessment of discard survival in the different gears, analysing manoeuvres, equipment and operations that increase their survival rates.
- Assessment and improvement of fishing environmental sustainability.
- Fishing impact reduction.
- Fishing activity maintenance.
- Improved fishing public image.
- Search for comprehensive solutions to fisheries problems derived from regulatory changes.
Improve the fishing gear selection pattern and optimise fishing activity performance whilst improving the public image of fishing
Applicable sectors
Public administrations, fish producers’ associations, fishermen’s associations, ship owners, etc.
- Adapt fishing activity to the current regulatory requirements.
- Reduce the impact of fishing, fostering its environmental sustainability.
- Improve the image of the fishing sector compared with public opinion, even enabling improvements to product marketing (new markets, better prices,etc.).
The first studies are already under way with promising results
- Possibility of conducting studies into all types of fishing.
- Flexible implementation period, depending on client’s requirements.
- Extensive knowledge of the Basque fisheries sector and the fishing techniques used.
- Possibility of comprehensive projects thanks to a multi-disciplinary team that covers various knowledge areas (fisheries monitoring, stock management/assessment, socio-economics, fishing operational improvements, better selectivity, fishing quality, fish product processing, etc.).
- Flexibility, adaptation ability and fast response.
- Close relationship with the fisheries sector.
Proven track record
The first study is being developed with promising results.