Objectives and actions

The URBAN KLIMA2050 project for the deployment of the Basque Climate Change Strategy 2050 in the urban environment has been approved by the European Union within the Integrated Projects Area for mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change.

The main aim that the Basque Country pursues with URBAN KLIMA 2050 project is to contribute to the full implementation of the KLIMA 2050 STRATEGY. The general objective of the KLIMA 2050 STRATEGY is to develop a low-carbon and climate change resilient region by 2050.

AZTI’s research staff will work on those initiatives related to the adaptation of the coastal strip to climate change. Specifically, AZTI will focus on:

  • Adaptation of the Urban Coast, focused on implementing new tools to prevent risks in coastal areas. The pilot of this action, for which AZTI is responsible, will be developed in Zarautz by installing cameras in specific sites. It will also include improving coordination, perfecting weather forecasting systems and integrating the new risk prevention plan.
  • Adaptation of the ports. A strategic analysis of the current state of ports and the climate risk they face will be developed. In addition, an assessment will be made of the flood protection developed in urban areas and its evolution in relation to climate change.
  • Adaptation measures in natural coastal areas: this action focuses on the integral restoration of Laga beach to increase the resilience of the territory. To this end, different measures will be implemented in the Oka River basin in three different environments: estuary, beaches and coastal cliffs.
  • Climate Change Hub: observation and monitoring system in the marine and coastal environment. This action focuses on defining indicators of climate change in the marine and coastal environment and assessing current trends through the analysis of historical time series.

Project Data


European Union, within the framework of the LIFE Integrated projects 2018 (Climate Action)

LIFE IP URBAN KLIMA 2050 – LIFE Grant agreement n°: LIFE18 IPC/ES/000001


Sociedad Publica de Gestión Ambiental IHOBE (coordinator), Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco, Diputación Foral de Araba, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Agencia Vasca del Agua (URA), Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE), Fundación de Cambio Climático de Gipuzkoa (NATURKLIMA), AZTI, TECNALIA, NEIKER, TECNUN, BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change, Centro De Estudios Ambientales (CEA), Ayuntamiento de Donostia/San Sebastián, Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Ayuntamiento de Bermeo, Ayuntamiento de Zarautz, Ayuntamiento de Bakio, Ayuntamiento de Gernika.



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