Scenarios of marine biodiversity and evolution under exploitation and climate change

The main objective of this project is to evaluate how fishing and climate change will affect future fisheries production and economic opportunities. In particular, this project aims at quantifying the differential and combined impacts of fishing and climate-induced eco-evolutionary dynamics of fish life history traits in demersal and pelagic fisheries off the Gulf of Lions (Northwestern Mediterranean)..
Also, this project will contribute to identify future sustainable strategies and adaptation pathways for fisheries and improve fisheries management on the relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Finally, this project will contribute to achieve sustainability goals of international policy bodies and to the objectives of the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy.
First, an ecosystem model will be developed to assess the impact of climate change on trophic relationships and metabolism of species of fishery interest and second, a bioeconomic model will be adapted to assess the impact of climate and management on fisheries in the Gulf of Lions.
Funding |
State Administration. Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities |
Lenght |
2019-2022 |