EuroGOOS – Coastal Working Group
To examine the entire value chain from coastal observations, satellite data, ocean forecasts and analysis, to products and services for coastal users.

The European Global Ocean Observing System EuroGOOS is an international non-profit organisation, made up of 42 members from 19 countries, committed to operational oceanography at European level in the context of global observing system. It is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), the body created by UNESCO to ensure the coordination and dissemination of scientific ocean data that support the global marine science policy.
On June 2018, AZTI’s oceanographic research joined the list of full member in EuroGOOS, as an expert in the field of operational oceanography, a discipline that includes the measuring and sampling of oceans, seas and atmospheres, as well as their dissemination and interpretation to obtain socioeconomic benefits.
Among the different roles inside the organization (AZTI is a member of the regional alliance of the maritime area of Ireland -Biscay-Iberia IBI-ROOS, one of the five regional systems of EuroGOOS, and the working groups on Data Management and Quality DATAMEQ and the High Frequency Radars Task Team) AZTI has an active role since 2019 in the Coastal Working Group.
The EuroGOOS Coastal working group main aim is to examine the entire value chain from coastal observations, satellite data, ocean forecasts and analysis, to products and services for coastal users. The working group will examine sustainability and fitness for purpose of the existing system and identify future steps needed to secure and improve all elements of the coastal value chain.
The EuroGOOS Coastal Working Group will build upon significant initiatives already completed or underway that have focused on coastal observing. A key early priority for the Coastal Working Group will be to document the existing and planned activity and provide a status of the coastal observing system at the present time.
Anna Rubio – vice-chair of the group

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