Interactive tool for visualizing data on the sustainable management of the European eel in the SUDOE region

VISUANG is an interactive online tool that makes it easy to visualize indicators on the status of eels and their habitat. To this end, data from nearly 49,000 samples collected at over 23,000 points in rivers across Spain, France, and Portugal have been compiled. In addition, information on 100,000 obstacles that hinder eel migration in these countries has been gathered.
An eel monitoring network has been implemented in the SUDOE area. This network consists of 10 pilot basins (Nivelle, Oria, Nalón, Ulla, Miño, Mondego,Guadalquivir, Guadiaro, Ter and Bages-Sigean), which are representative of the different ecosystems existing in the region, both Mediterranean and Atlantic.
This interface helps managers answer their questions and to make decisions based on the best scientific tools. The contents that host include:
- Escapement estimates.
- Recruitment estimates.
- Recommendable fishery exploitation rates.
- Turbine mortality estimates that will allow the managers to focus the measures on where the population is most harmed.
- An atlas showing the migration barriers and eel abundance, which will help managers to identify the barriers that most hinder migration and visualize the increase in available habitat that the demolition of each barrier would represent.
This website and data are the result of the SUDOANG project. This project is part of the Sudoe Programme 2014-2020 included within the European Territorial Cooperation initiative (Interreg), which promotes transnational cooperation and supports regional development in Southwestern Europe. It is financed through the European Regional Development Fund Regulation contributing to the delivery of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth.
In the case of AZTI, it is also co-funded by the Fisheries Directorate of the Basque Government’s Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure and the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council.