Improved croquette coating
Improving the stability of the croquettes in the frying process.

AZTI ha colaborado con la empresas especializada en croquetas y platos típicos vascos Lautxo en la mejora de la estabilidad de las croquetas. El centro tecnológico ha mejorado el proceso de fritura a través de la investigación e innovación en coberturas de empanado.
AZTI has collaborated with Lautxo, a company specialised in croquettes and typical Basque dishes, to improve the stability of croquettes. We have improved the frying process through research and innovation in breading coatings.
This innovation favours the correct preservation of the croquettes, maintaining their traditional style, and allows the consumer to perceive and value the improvement at the moment of regeneration during frying and consumption.
It has been a 10-month development, in which, thanks to the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, work has been carried out on the definition and validation of the production process and conservation technology, achieving an improvement in the products.
Lautxo’s croquettes are known locally, but their particular flavour and finesse have extended their fame and consumption to haute cuisine.
AZTI works in close collaboration with companies that, like Lautxo, are committed to R&D to increase the value of their products and gain market penetration, responding to consumer trends and boosting their activity.
This project has been funded by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia within the “Chequeos Tecnológicos 2020” Programme and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).