
18 Mar
Why include eco-design in the development of novel foods?
JAIME ZUFÍA, coordinator at Efficient and sustainable processes During the design phase of a food product or the modification of…

07 Mar
AZTI refuerza su compromiso con la igualdad con el II Plan para la Igualdad de Mujeres y Hombres 2024-2026
En AZTI, la igualdad de género no es solo un objetivo, sino un pilar fundamental de nuestra cultura organizativa. Conscientes…
06 Mar
Nueva doctora: Sloane Bertin
El 4 de noviembre, Sloane Bertin defendió su tesis doctoral en la Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale en Wimereux, Francia.…

27 Feb
Between Nets and Data: The Technological Revolution in Fishing
Fishing, with origins dating back more than 40,000 years, is a prime example of adaptation and resilience. From primitive nets…

21 Feb
Publicaciones científicas de alto impacto. Artículos científicos publicados por AZTI en 2024
At AZTI, we maintain a high level of scientific production, with more than 140 indexed publications per year, of which…

17 Feb
The mystery of the Northeast Atlantic mackerel solved: a single genetically connected population
The Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) is a highly migratory and commercially valuable species inhabiting both sides of the North Atlantic…

14 Feb
International Energy Day: AZTI's Innovations in Marine Renewable Energies
JUAN BALD and IBON GALPARSORO researchers at Marine and Coastal Environmental Management On International Energy Day, we would like to…

13 Feb
Scientists Find Marine Bacteria that Break Down a Key Compound for the Carbon Cycle and Global Climate
A Spanish research group has identified bacteria associated with brown macroalgae capable of degrading fucoidan, a complex polysaccharide essential for…

28 Jan
AZTI analyses the keys to increasing food production without damaging the planet: from eco-design to the role of the consumer
In a report, the technology centre addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of a sector that consumes 70% of…

27 Jan
ATIPECA: Innovation for sustainability in aquaculture
DAVID SAN MARTÍN, researcher at Efficient ands Sustainable Processes The ATIPECA project is ushering in a new era in aquaculture…

24 Jan
Now available the first dictionary of climate change and ecological transition in Basque
Climate change and ecological transition is a broad, cross-cutting issue that involves concepts from several disciplines. Although more and more…

21 Jan
Cooking at low temperature: keys to safely applying the sous vide technique
MIGUEL ROMEO and MARIA LAVILLA, researchers at AZTI's Food Quality, Integrity and Safety Area The sous vide technique is an…

21 Jan
Can we protect the oceans while ensuring economic growth? The answer lies in science
MARINA SANTURTÚN. Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans Market Manager Conserving marine life while promoting economic development sounds like an impossible challenge,…

14 Jan
Innovation in low-fat emulsions: a key step towards healthier foods
CLARA TALENS, researcher at New Foods As the demand for healthier food products continues to grow, reducing the fat content…