UHINAK V Cross border conference on climate and coastal change

FICOBA Iparralde Hiribidea, 43, Irun

Uhinak is a cross border congress about the way climate change and extreme weather phenomena affect coastal areas in the Atlantic Europe. In this fifth edition, the climate emergency takes on special relevance since the effects of climate change and extreme events require immediate action. That is why with Uhinak 2022 we move to act […]

EIT Food Biosensors Professional Development Course

AZTI Derio Astondo Bidea, edificio 609, Bizkaia

Are you a profesional involved in the quality control of food products or someone with experience and good knowledge in food safety control? If you answered yes, this training in Rapid Methods for the Detection of Chemical Contamination in Food is for you! Apply now to learn about rapid methods for monitoring chemicals contaminants in […]

EIT Food Training Session DNA Analysis – Fast and Portable Methods

On line

Learn how to use innovative rapid and portable DNA analysis tools that can be easily implemented in routine analysis to verify products’ authenticity. This training in portable DNA analysis will introduce participants to innovative rapid and portable DNA analysis tools for species and ingredients verification. The programme will include: Insights into food fraud and possible […]

Conferencia “Get more value from your seafood side-streams”

Hotel Miramar Barcelona Plaça de Carlos Ibáñez, 3, Barcelona

The conference “Get more value from your seafood side-streams” will take place in Barcelona and is based on the many interesting results achieved in the European project WaSeaBi that has been running for more than three and a half years. The focus of the conference will be on the possibility of developing high value products […]

Bermeo Tuna Forum

Palacio Euskalduna Jauregia Abandoibarra Etorb., 4,, Bilbao

Bermeo Tuna Forum (BTF), organized by Bermeo Tuna World Capital, is an international forum for debate and reflection on tuna sustainability. The first edition will focus on the importance of and need for establishing alliances to achieve sustainable management of tuna. The event will finish with the signing of the International Declaration Agreement on Tuna Sustainability. […]

SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 “Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems”

Aquarium de Donostia-San Sebastián 1 Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz, Donostia-San Sebastián

In this edition of AZTI´s Summer School, the topic proposed is “Innovative and practical tools for monitoring and assessing multiple human pressures affecting biodiversity in marine systems". This year, the school is organized in the framework of several Horizon Europe projects:  GES4SEAS, OBAMA-NEXT, BiOcean5D, ACTNOW and MARBEFES). The main objective of the school is to […]

ICES Annual Science Conference 2023

Palacio Euskalduna Jauregia Abandoibarra Etorb., 4,, Bilbao

We are pleased to announce that next edition of the ICES Annual Conference 2023  will be held at Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao (Spain) from 11 to 14 September, being AZTI the host entity of this international event. Join the marine science event of the year! Call for Abstracts is now open. Deadline for submissions is […]

Food 4 Future – ExpoFoodTech

Bilbao Exhibition Center Azkue Kalea, 1, Barakaldo

Don't miss F4F - ExpoFoodTech, the event co-organised by AZTI that will transform your business and allow you to discover the key skills to transform the food and beverage sector. […]

SUMMER SCHOOL 2024 «Bridging the gap between marine science and policy: Communicating for an informed society and decision-making»

Aquarium de Donostia-San Sebastián 1 Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz, Donostia-San Sebastián

In this 20th edition of AZTI´s Summer School, the topic proposed is “Bridging the gap between marine science and policy: Communicating for an informed society and decision-making». This year, the school is organized in the framework of several Horizon Europe projects: GES4SEAS, OBAMA-NEXT, BiOcean5D, ACTNOW, Marine SABRES and MARBEFES. The main objective of the course […]

UHINAK VI Cross border conference on climate and coastal change

FICOBA Iparralde Hiribidea, 43, Irun

Uhinak is a cross border congress about the way climate change and extreme weather phenomena affect coastal areas in the Atlantic Europe. In this sixth edition we are moving to […]

WORLD MARITIME WEEK 2025 – Eurofishing

Bilbao Exhibition Center Azkue Kalea, 1, Barakaldo

World Maritime Week is the meeting place for key players in the global maritime industry. This maritime forum brings together industry professionals every two years to forge international alliances, share […]