Últimas entradas

retos insectos en gastronomía

Savour and sustainability: insects in gastronomy

CLARA TALENS, researcher at New Foods In the culinary world, innovation is key, and in Spain, an emerging trend is gaining ground: insects as food. Although still a relatively small minority, the use of insects in Spanish cuisine is arousing curiosity and debate, driven by sustainability and culinary creativity. Let’s see what role these unusual […]

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atun patudo golfo de bizkaia

First scientific evidence of the loyalty of bigeye tuna to the Bay of Biscay

The recapture of a specimen monitored with an AZTI tag provides unprecedented data on the distribution of this little studied species in this oceanic region. The discovery highlights the importance of collaboration between sport fishermen and research centres to promote the conservation and sustainable management of fisheries. Pasaia, 6 November 2024– Recent recapture of a […]

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Desperdicio alimentario | Imagen realizada con IA

Food waste in the EU: regulatory, environmental and social implications

DAVID SAN MARTÍN, researcher at Efficient and Sustainable Processes The generation of waste is complex as it relates to all stages of the food value chain. Of the almost 591 million tonnes of food (equivalent to 131 kg per inhabitant) wasted each year in the EU, around 10.4% comes from primary food production (agriculture, livestock, […]

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Calentamiento global

The Seagull Effect and global warming

GUILLEM CHUST, researcher at Global changes in marine ecosystems Lying in the shade of a Mediterranean pine tree during this long, leaden summer, I traced the outline of the fluttering wings of a pearly butterfly and wondered how this delicate lepidopteran could cause a tsunami on the other side of the world. Yes, I am […]

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Economía azul | Imagen realizada con IA

The Blue Economy Opportunity: Feeding the Future from Our Oceans

CARLOS BALD, researcher at Efficient and Sustainable Food Chain As the global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050, the question arises: how can we sustainably nourish this growing number of mouths? A pivotal part of the solution lies in embracing the blue economy, which emphasizes the sustainable use of ocean resources. Sustainability […]

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Animales marinos

Even marine animals in untouched habitats are at risk from human impacts

Study of 21,000 marine animals finds many coastal regions are also at greater risk than previously realized Climate change and a range of other human impacts are putting marine animals at risk of extinction — even those living in almost pristine marine habitats and diverse coastal regions — reports a new study by Casey O’Hara […]

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Planeador submarino

Gliders: Pioneering Technology for Marine Observation

ANNA RUBIO and ASIER NIETO, researchers in the area of Operational Oceanography Operational oceanography is defined as a branch of physical oceanography that seeks to go beyond the simple study of the ocean. Its aim is to effectively predict the future conditions of the oceans, thus providing up-to-date and relevant information to various users of […]

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Pescado nás adecuado según SEAWise

The right fish for you: a personalised guide to a balanced diet

Fish is recognised as an exceptional source of essential nutrients, but do you know which fish is the most suitable for you according to your specific needs? The European SEAwise project, led by the AZTI technology centre, has developed a personalised guide to help you make informed choices about which fish to include in your […]

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Cultivo de leguminosas para productos dirigidos a población senior

3SLEKA: New safe, healthy and sustainable ingredients from leguminous plants

CLARA TALENS. New Foods expert at AZTI The 3SLEKA project is aligned with the guidelines of the Euskadi 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, addressing the technological-digital, energy-climate and social and health transitions to move towards a more digital, green and inclusive Euskadi. Faced with the challenge of an ageing population, the project focuses on […]

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ayudas formación ikertalent

Develop your career at AZTI through the IKERTALENT programme

3 pre-doctoral research positions and 3 positions for technologists. The initiative is focused on boosting and promoting training through participation in R&D&I initiatives in scientific-technological areas related to marine and food research. The Basque Government’s Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment has launched a new call for applications for the Ikertalent aid programme. […]

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compromiso con la innovación

AZTI: commitment to innovation

Innovation is the spark that drives the engine of progress in our societies and economies. In a world where global challenges such as the climate crisis and resource sustainability are increasingly pressing, the ability to generate new solutions and technologies is essential for present and future well-being. In this context, AZTI aspires to be a […]

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Gestión pesquera sostenible

AZTI’s work to achieve sustainable fish stocks that can feed a growing population

The ecosystem approach to fisheries management that helps to achieve sustainable fish stocks and thus ensure the sustainability of fisheries, as well as the conservation and restoration of ecosystems, are fundamental pillars in AZTI’s response to the challenges of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The CFP, oriented towards […]

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Spanish and Japanese companies join forces around the Food4Future initiative to promote a sustainable future for the food industry.

AZTI and UnlocX & Co. signed a strategic collaboration agreement at Food4Future to promote innovation in the food sector. The agreement includes collaboration on major events such as SKS JAPAN2024 and Food 4 Future 2025, as well as co-creation programmes and research projects on food well-being and the interaction of food with artificial intelligence. Bilbao, […]

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prima newfeed

PRIMA NEWFEED: Demonstration Workshops

NEWFEED (Turn Food Industry By-products into secondary Feedstuffs via Circular-Economy Schemes) project has validated 3 value chains at Mediterranean level: Valorization grape stems (Case study 1, carried out in Spain) Valorization of oranges (Case study 2, carried out in Greece) Valorization of olive cake (Case study 3, carried out in Egypt) The three by-products have […]

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pesca incidental marine beacon

A new way of reducing by-catch of protected and endangered species in the Atlantic

MAITE ERAUSKIN-EXTRAMIANA. Sustainable fisheries management expert at AZTI Bycatch, the unintentional capture of unwanted species during fishing activities, is an ongoing concern for the conservation of marine biodiversity. To address this challenge, Europe has taken a major step forward in marine conservation by launching several initiatives, including the “Marine Beacon” project, funded by the Horizon […]

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análisis géneticos

Genetics as a new technology for stock management

Naiara Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, researcher and marine genetics expert The last two decades have seen an unprecedented genetic revolution that has radically changed our ability to better quantify genetic diversity, understand connectivity between populations, identify environmental adaptations and define species-environment interactions. In addition, the continued development and democratisation of new DNA sequencing technologies has provided us with […]

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Kostasystem cambio climático

Operational oceanography tools to reduce the impact of storms on the coastline

PEDRO LIRIA, researcher at Operational Oceanography It is 10 years since the series of storms that shook the entire European Atlantic coast and caused serious damages. Donostia, Zarautz, Bermeo, Bakio and Elantxobe were especially hard hit. In the early months of 2014 occurred the “perfect storm”: in three months there were up to 8 storms […]

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pardela balear cambio climático

Climate change drives migratory range shift via individual plasticity in shearwaters

Data collected since 2010 show that birds are migrating further north. Study results suggest that individual flexibility may help with distribution shifts outside the breeding season, but the consequences of climate change for birds during breeding are still unknown The study, led by the universities of Oxford Liverpool, in collaboration with AZTI, IRBI, SEO/BirdLife and […]

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Radar de alta frecuencia en Matxitxako

Tracking marine litter: technology to detect and predict how it behaves

Anna Rubio, Irene Ruiz, Ivan Manso (Operational Oceanography area) and Oihane Cabezas (Sustainable Fisheries Technologies area) The increasing frequency of accidents and emergencies at sea is one of the main reasons for having an operational oceanographic system that provides valuable information for managing marine pollution. A need that was recently reminded by the plastic pellets […]

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Biorremediación MER-CLUB

Advances in scientific knowledge for decontamination of mercury in marine sediments

The European MER-CLUB project led by AZTI has identified several bacterial isolates from marine sediments with the capacity to efficiently detoxify mercury in vitro in laboratory tests. The initiative ends in 2023 and has involved the participation of 7 partners from Spain, Sweden, Germany and France. Sukarrieta, 29 November 2023- Contamination of aquatic systems is […]

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The Mediterranean diet, olive oil and gut microbiota may benefit the prevention of some obesity-related cancers

Kataluniako Onkologia Institutuko eta IDIBELLeko ikertzaile-talde batek, AZTI zentro zientifiko eta teknologikoaren laguntzarekin egindako ikerketa berri batek datuen berrikuspen eta eguneratze garrantzitsu bat eskaintzen du, elikadura-ohiturek eta hesteetako mikrobiotak minbiziaren prebentzioan funtsezko eginkizuna dutela frogatzen dutenak. Derio, 2023ko urriaren 18a– Oliba-olioa dieta mediterraneoko elikagai nagusietako bat da. Gainera, dieta mediterraneoa eta oliba-olioa osasunerako onuragarriak diren […]

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Titan convocatoria abierta

1,25M for an Open Call to revolutionize the European food supply chain

Search for innovative solutions for transparency in the food supply chain In order to contribute to creating a rich and vibrant ecosystem in the food supply chain domain, TITAN organises an Open Call for innovative solutions to select and fund eight pilots that will enhance the value of food supply chains through increased transparency. The […]

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Ahorro de combustible en barcos

Reference energy standard for future fuel-saving measures for OPEGUI’s fleet during the albacore coastal fishing season.

AINHOA CABALLERO, JOSEBA CASTRESANA and GORKA GABIÑA, Sustainable Fisheries Technologies Fishing for albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) is closely linked to the migration of this species. Thus, the coastal bonito fishery is concentrated between late spring and early autumn, when this species migrates from oceanic areas of the North Atlantic towards the productive waters of the […]

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ICES Bilbao

The future of the oceans through science: ICES ASC in Bilbao

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea Annual Scientific Conference (ICES ASC) took place in Bilbao from 11 to 14 September, hosted by AZTI. This event gathers marine scientists, managers and other stakeholders in marine scientific disciplines from around the world to meet, present and discuss the latest scientific advances in favour of […]

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Artes de pesca en el País Vasco

Infographic: fishing techniques in the Basque Country

Fishing is one of the oldest human activities, and the resources of the sea have been a source of food practically from the beginning of our history. Since then, fishing has been an important part of our culture and economy. From basic fishing tools such as spears, nets and traps, fishing has gradually evolved into […]

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economía circular

Beer by-products as an alternative protein source for nutraceuticals and aquaculture feeds

An innovative solution that is revolutionising the brewing, food and aquaculture industry. David San Martín, Bruno Iñarra, Jone Ibarruri, Mónica Gutierrez, Ricard Fenollosa, Alicia Estevez, Jose Miguel Martínez, Anna-Maria De Smet and Jaime Zufía Beer production in Europe has surpassed 400 thousand hectolitres, consolidating it as a strategic economic sector. However, this production process generates […]

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Herramientas moleculares

Precision nutrition for breast cancer survivors through molecular tools

MERCEDES CARO BURGOS, Food and Health  researcher Nutritional counseling in cancer Following a healthy diet provides health benefits, which has led to a recent increase in the demand for nutritional counseling by cancer patients. In oncology, moreover, nutritional monitoring allows patients to actively participate in their treatment and care. However, nutritional support does not usually […]

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bioremediation mercury

Getting rid of mercury in marine sediments thanks to MER-CLUB

MER-CLUB is an ambitious scientific project which aims to tackle the issue of mercury pollution in marine sediments. Mercury pollution is a global problem with large environmental, socio-economic and health impacts.  The MER-CLUB project is developing a clean-up system based on bioremediation, a green technology which uses the potential of natural microbes to break down harmful […]

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Cuidar salud intestinal

How can we achieve a healthy microbiota?

AINARA CANO and NEREA PEÑA, researchers at Food and Health The microbiota consists of all those microorganisms (commensals or pathogens/good or bad) found in a given environment, such as soil, water or other living organisms, and includes bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi and viruses. The term microbiome refers to the entire habitat, including these microbial communities, […]

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exposición metro bilbao

Metropelagic: the Mesopelagic zone species reach the Bilbao Metro

In March, the Metro Bilbao Abando station will host a photographic exhibition of the most fascinating creatures that live in the mesopelagic zone The exhibition is part of AZTI’s work within the framework of the European SUMMER project, financed by the European Union, to deepen knowledge about the species living in this ecosystem Although scientific […]

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Podcast: Bacteriophages. How to achieve efficient and sustainable food security?

The spread of antibiotic resistance and diseases caused by the presence of pathogens in food represent a global threat that affects human health, as well as animal health, agriculture, food safety and the environment. Globalization and climate change increase the risk of bacterial contamination, and the improper and excessive use of antibiotics, among other factors, […]

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desafíos transición proteica

Alternative proteins: relevance, benefits and barriers

PAULA JAUREGI, Ikerbasque senior researcher working on Efficient and sustainable processesCARLOS BALD, senior researcher working on Efficient and sustainable processes The protein transition is a reality. Searching for and integrating alternative protein sources into our daily lives is a necessity that represents great opportunities but which, at the same time, faces great challenges. AZTI researchers […]

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Pesca sostenible

Good Practices to improve fishing practices in purse seiners

The Spanish tuna freezer sector is highly committed to sustainability. That is why, for years, extensive collaboration has been taking place between the fleet and AZTI to seek solutions that minimise the possible unwanted impacts of fishing activity. The collaboration between industry and science aims to guarantee the long-term sustainability of natural resources through the […]

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niñña probetas

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

UNESCO speaks of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers as the jobs of the future, the ones that drive innovation, social welfare, inclusive growth and sustainable development.However, interest in these fields seems to be declining in general and remains even lower for girls. Now that we count more girls attending school than ever before, […]

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fondos marinos

Bathymetries: mapping the seabed

IRENE RUIZ researcher at Marine Technologies and MANUEL GONZÁLEZ principal researcher at Operational Oceanography Bathymetry is the measurement and graphic representation of the shape or relief of underwater surfaces. These surfaces include the seabed as well as the bottoms of watercourses, reservoirs, etc. Simplifying a more or less complex problem depending on the dimensions of […]

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conferencia subproductos pescado

Conference Spotlights Solutions for Valuable Exploitation of Seafood Side-streams

From techniques for converting seafood side-streams into new ingredients and sorting technology for herring off-cuts to cost efficient solutions for prolonging the shelf life of side-streams significantly as well as tools to optimise the use of side-streams in production will be some of the presented solutions at the conference. The conference “Get more value from […]

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Consumer experience: effective analysis of the purchasing process

NOELIA DA QUINTA and ANA B. BARANDA, researchers at New Foods and Consumer Behaviour Today’s consumers have more and more shopping options, as well as new influences on their decision making when it comes to choosing products to consume. In a world where customer empowerment is continuously increasing and the service landscape is changing, companies […]

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Reducir el desperdicio

Pódcast: How can we reduce waste in the food industry?

Reducing food waste is essential. According to Eurostat data, around 57 million tonnes of food waste (127 kg per inhabitant) is annually generated in the European Union with an associated market value estimated at €130 billion. And beyond the economic cost, we have to add the environmental cost of food production, as food production generates […]

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Nutrición y cáncer

Pódcast: ¿Puede la alimentación mejorar el pronóstico del cáncer?

¿Qué relación tienen nutrición y cáncer? El cáncer es una enfermedad muy presente en nuestras vidas, no en vano, es una de las principales causas de muerte en España. Afortunadamente, a día de hoy se habla de una tasa media de recuperación de un 57% y todo indica que esa tasa se irá incrementando a […]

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valorización raspón de uva

Validation of a circular economy solution on an industrial scale

BRUNO IÑARRA, DAVID SAN MARTÍN, JONE IBARRURI, JORGE FERRER and NAGORE LUENGO, Efficient and Sustainable Food Chain We recently had the opportunity to validate on an industrial scale a circular economy solution to valorise grape stems within the European Prima NEWFEED project. The validation of the solution is a fundamental part of the process. It […]

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Video. Environmental DNA: The revolution in marine monitoring

Environmental DNA is the DNA collected from the environment, that is, from environmental samples, such as for example seawater. Seawater samples contain small organisms such as bacteria and phytoplankton, but also traces of larger organisms, in form of cells, tissues, or scales released by fish. By filtering several litres of seawater, these traces can be […]

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Data and alternativa proteins

GIANT LEAPS to accelerate the transition to alternative dietary proteins

AZTI is delighted to announce their participation in a new Horizon Research and Innovation Action called GIANT LEAPS. This EU-funded project aims to accelerate the transition from animal-based to alternative dietary proteins. This dietary shift is key to reducing the footprint of our food system in terms of environmental impacts and improving the health and […]

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Marca electrónica atún

AZTI records for the first time the migratory route of an albacore during winter

Using electronic tags, the technology centre has obtained the first scientific evidence of the complete migration of juvenile albacore between two consecutive years, providing information on their overwintering destination. The information collected provides fishery-independent data on the biology and ecology of the species and contributes to improved fisheries management. The monitoring is part of the […]

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Automatic counter for anchovies and small pelagics with artificial vision: a practical case of digitalisation for the fishing sector

La digitalización ofrece soluciones a muchos sectores, y la pesca es uno de ellos. Pero, sea el sector que sea, para que el proyecto sea un éxito tiene que haber colaboración. A continuación, explicamos un caso práctico: el desarrollo de la máquina contadora de anchoas con visión artificial. Digitalisation offers solutions for many fields, and […]

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comparación técnicas análisis eDNA

Three approaches to functional profiling and identification of bio-indicators for eDNA monitoring in coastal environments

ION LUIS ABAD, LAURA ALONSO and ANDERS LANZÉN, researchers at Marine Ecosystems Functioning Coastal and estuarine ecosystems are highly complex and threatened by various human activities such as eutrophication (excess input of inorganic nutrients), industrial pollution, hydrological alteration or climate change. The regulations we have today to protect these ecosystems are based on biological indicator […]

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conservas más sostenibles

Canned tuna, tasty, healthy and increasingly more sustainable

The AZTI technology centre has developed a new technological solution for the Serrats canning company that optimises resources and reduces the environmental impact associated with the tuna cooking process. Thanks to brine regeneration technology, 90% of the brine can be reused in the process, which improves the use of raw materials, while at the same […]

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Alimentación consciente

Why is it important to eat seasonal food? Here are four reasons

ANA BARANDA, Novel Foods researcher Any visit to the greengrocers (or fruit sections at supermarkets) reveals a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, many of which are not seasonal foods. As a result, not only have we forgotten which are seasonal and which are not, but we have also stopped considering the benefits of eating […]

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Ranking cientificas destacadas

Four AZTI women researchers are among the top 5,000 in Spain

Four AZTI women researchers are among the top 5,000 women working in Spanish institutions. This is according to the study carried out by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in its first ranking of the 5,000 Spanish and foreign women scientists doing research in Spanish organisations. This ranking has been carried out according to the […]

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Enfoque ecosistemico gestion pesquera

Marina Santurtún presented examples of the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management at the United Nations.

Marina Santurtún, market manager for sustainable fisheries and oceans, was a panelist at the 15th round of informal consultations on the UN Fish Stocks Agreement on the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management.These sessions are a key factor in determining the future of fisheries and Santurtún’s participation, invited by the Ministry of Agriculture, […]

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valorar actividad pesquera

Fisheries ecosystem services: another way on how to represent their value

MARINA SANTURTUN, Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans Market Director, and ARANTZA MURILLAS, Researcher on Sustainable Fisheries Management Historically, the marine ecosystem has been exploited to meet humanity’s essential needs such as food, fuel and shelter. Over time, this exploitation has gone beyond basic needs to include other needs related to human well-being. Fisheries ecosystem services The […]

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Food for senior citizens

FOOD4SENIOR: What have we learnt about senior food needs?

FOOD4SENIOR is an EIT Food co-funded project that aimed to develop innovative value-added fish, meat and plant-based products for European senior consumers. Below we explain the main highlights of the project. Senior citizens have special food needs Over 65 years citizens represent the single fastest growing demographic group in Europe (30% of people will be […]

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Challenge tests in the Food Security Context

MIGUEL ROMEO, Food Quality and Safety researcher A challenge test is the premeditated and controlled contamination of a food with a target micro-organism. These tests allow us to assess health risks to consumers and, when necessary, to determine the appropriate time period for safe consumption. Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on […]

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olas mundaka

Videomety systems to measure waves from an image

PEDRO LIRIA, IRATI EPELDE, ASIER NIETO researchers and ARITZ ABALIA PhD student in the area of Operational Oceanography Knowing the wave conditions and being able to measure the height of the breaking wave is very important in order to establish the level of impact of waves on the coast during storms. However, this is not […]

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en defensa de la paz

In defence of peace and the protection of people

AZTI and all its workers are deeply concerned about the war in Ukraine and the impact it is having on the civilian population in the affected regions. War, violence, the death of innocent people… can never be the solution. As strong supporters of the Sustainable Development Goals, we put people at the centre and defend […]

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Pesca sostenible futuro

The future of fisheries. The fisheries of the future.

MARINA SANTURTÚN Sustainable Fisheries and Oceans Market Manager and AINHOA CABALLERO Marine Technologies researcher To understand the future of fisheries and what the fisheries of the future will be like, we must think about the global changes the planet is facing. The effect of carbon in our atmosphere, due to the burning of fossil fuels, […]

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Tecnologia y salud

Foodtech and cancer: technology for health

ITZIAR TUEROS, Food and Health Coordinator Food is a great ally for people with cancer. The latest technologies and advances in the foodtech sector have achieved considerable progress in the nutrition of patients and, consequently, in their quality of life. We talked to Itziar Tueros, Food and Health coordinator, about how foodtech and cancer is […]

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Whitefish Database

This dataset contains information of seven species of white fish: turbot (Psetta maxima), panga (Pangasius hypophthalmus), alaskan pollock (Theragra chalcograma), tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus), sole (Solea solea, wild and Soleasenegalensis, farmed), seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and cod (Gadus morhua), collected during 3 years. For each sample, the NIR spectra (from 900 to 1650 nm) were collected with […]

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La importancia del pescado azul en la dieta

Benefits of fish: nutritional value, effects on health and recommended intake

MERCEDES CARO, SARA ARRANZ and ITZIAR TUEROS, Food and Health researchers There are many health benefits of fish, as many scientific studies have shown. Many studies link fish consumption (at least two servings a week) with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, depression and all-cause and cancer mortality. Three reasons to include fish in your (and your family’s) […]

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Ballena en el golfo de bizkaia

Cetaceans in the Bay of Biscay: what have we seen in the oceanographic campaigns?

BIOMAN (spring-May) and JUVENA (summer and early autumn-September) campaigns, carried out in the Bay of Biscay, are meant to improve knowledge for the management of fish species. Over the years, these campaigns have acquired an ecosystemic scope to respond to the demands for information and knowledge of different environmental policies and legislation of the European […]

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Pruebas geneticaspara trazabilidad de mejillones

A PCR to ensure that a mussel is from where it says it is from

Technology centre AZTI has participated in the development of a new genetic method to guarantee the origin of mussels. The study aims to fight fraud and raise consumer awareness of the importance of labelling and traceability of fish products. The techniques developed have been carried out within the framework of the European project SEATRACES, financed […]

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Confianza de los consumiodres

Consumer trust in catering and restaurant services grows post-pandemic

An international survey reveals that innovations in the catering and restaurants sector in the wake of the pandemic have boosted consumer confidence in the sector. Within the agri-food sector as a whole, agriculture continues to lead the way in terms of trust. Transparency technology based on blockchain tops the list of top-rated suggested solutions to […]

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EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste

AZTI joins the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste

AZTI researcher David San Martín will be part of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Waste (FLW), an initiative promoted by the European Commission with the aim of preventing food waste, for the next 5 years. The platform’s committee of experts is made up of 45 members from all over Europe, 7 of whom […]

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Alimentación y salud infantil

COACHILD: what lessons can we learn from the app to reduce childhood obesity?

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems of our century, with prevalence increasing at an alarming rate. At nation level, 35% of children between ages 8 and 16 are over the recommended weight, of whom 20.7% are overweight and 14.2% obese, with those living in lower socio-economic families most affected. This, […]

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Restpuesta al cambio climatico

We don’t have to save the Planet, we have a responsibility to make the world a better, more sustainable and healthier place – Analysis of the Glasgow Climate Summit

ROGELIO POZO, CEO of AZTI and GUILLEM CHUST, head of the Climate Change area in Oceans and Coasts at AZTI. After a Climate Summit in Glasgow with more expectations than relevant agreements, many unknowns remain as to how the international response will be to the climate challenges facing the planet. Rogelio Pozo and Guillem Chust […]

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Soluciones para deteccion de fraude alimentario

Is food labelled as vegan really vegan? What about Halal or Kosher food?

AZTI leads EthiChain, an EIT Food funded project focused on the development and validation of an innovative rapid DNA analysis systems to allow verification of presence of unwanted species in food with ethical concerns (vegan, Halal and Kosher) Obtained results will be digitized and directly integrated into company´s traceability system The EthiChain turning point solution will […]

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Ensayos rapidos para la deteccion de pesticidas

Pesticides in food: how to detect their presence and ensure food safety in Europe?

FÉLIX AMÁRITA, ALEJANDRO BARRANCO, AMAIA EREÑO and HUGO CUNHA-SILVA, food safety and integrity area What are they and what happens when pesticides are present in food? Pesticides are chemicals made from toxic compounds that prevent the development of pests (animals, plants or micro-organisms). This ability to control pests increases crop productivity, which is why pesticides […]

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Acción contra el cambio climñatico

An embarrassing frog at COP26

GUILLEM CHUST, Head of Climate Change in Oceans and Coasts I watch in astonishment as we rush to predict and retreat from the danger of waves on the Donostia promenade, lava on La Palma, or a hurricane in Florida, and in the same time see our inaction in the face of slow but gradual climate […]

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Desalination and warming waters: main characteristics of ocean climate in 2020

ALMUDENA FONTÁN, researcher of Functioning of marine ecosystems, climate change, data observation and environmental impact Long-term ocean monitoring programs are essential to accurately analyze and quantify ocean climate variability. The ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) Report on Ocean Climate (IROC) combines decades of ocean observations across the ICES North Atlantic region […]

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Medicion acidificación en el golfo de Bizkaia

New pH sensor to monitor ocean acidification along the Basque coastline

Systematic observation of the sea and its evolution is vital to understand the effects of climate change on the ocean, the coast and the marine resources, as it helps to define adaptation strategies and establish mitigation measures. For this observation to be effective and to obtain more indicators, it is very important to have the […]

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Reconocimiento a la alta calidad científica de AZTI

AZTI reinforces its presence as a scientific advisor to the European Union on fisheries issues

Researcher Dorleta García has been appointed vice-chair of the Advisory Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). In addition, the researcher Haritz Arrizabalaga has been appointed vice-president of the Standing Committee on Research and Statistics of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). These appointments represent further […]

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La importancia de los sedimentos marinos en la gestión de ecosistemas

Marine sediment analysis: key to marine ecosystem management

ANDERS LANZÉN, ION ABAD, LEIRE GARATE marine ecosystem functioning researchers Environmental monitoring is essential to understand the consequences of the impacts that people exert on the coast, impacts such as eutrophication, industrial pollution and hydrological alteration. Monitoring allows us to measure the level of pollutants and the biodiversity that is affected and doing so in […]

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eventos extremos y redistribución de la biodiversidad

Effects of climate change on the sea: extreme phenomena will increase and biodiversity will be redistributed in the Bay of Biscay (according to a report led by AZTI )

The work, carried out with the support of the LIFE Integrated Urban Klima 2050 project, detects alterations associated with climate change and an increase in extreme events. In addition, the results indicate that the warming of the sea and air has had an impact on the benthic community of the Basque coast. Knowledge of the […]

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origen basura oceanos

A Full Picture of the Origine and Nature of Ocean Litter

New study published in Nature Sustainability provides the first complete diagnosis of the origin and nature of the litter dumped into the ocean. The collaboration between research institutions and NGOs from 10 countries has allowed the identification of the most polluting products for the main aquatic ecosystems on a global scale, a much-needed information for […]

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Consumers and producers in favour of using phages as an alternative to antibiotics in the fight against Campylobacter in poultry

Phages or bacteriophages are organisms that infect and destroy target bacteria. The consumption of poultry food products has been commonly linked to Campylobacter infections, which generates a strong demand for novel strategies to control this pathogen from farm to table. The C-SNIPER project is devoted to the development of an innovative, natural, and efficient bacteriophage-based […]

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Hombre enciende horno para meter un vaso de agua a acalentar y tienen una encimera un sobre y un plato hondo

Cancer and nutrition: what you eat can save your life

Cancer treatments can have adverse effects on eating. Many people with cancer experience symptoms such as dysphagia, loss of taste, bad taste in the mouth, metallic taste, mouth sores, vomiting, or loss of appetite at some point. These symptoms affect between 30-85% of patients undergoing cancer treatments, particularly those suffering from gastrointestinal tract cancers (oesophagus, […]

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Columna con un cártel en el que pone planet earth first con un jardín de fondo

The proteins of the future: keys to making them known

Why is it important to promote and alternative proteins and make them known? What is the common ground between legislative experts, researchers, and representatives of the food industry? The development of alternative proteins has emerged as one of the main fields of food innovation in Europe. But are consumers ready to introduce new or unfamiliar […]

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Eating insects is not for me

One in four people in Spain are not willing to cut back on consumption of red meat and most are absolutely sure that insects are not a protein source they want to consume, indicates a study conducted by AZTI The survey of the eating preferences of 1,500 European consumers is part of the European Future […]

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gallinas y gallos

Forefront technology fighting Campylobacter in poultry

Campylobacteriosis is the most frequently reported food-borne illness in Europe, and the increase of antibiotic resistance makes it critical to develop novel non-antibiotic based strategies to reduce Campylobacter risk within the EU poultry sector. C‑SNIPER has developed an innovative and natural solution, based on the use of bacteriophages, for the biocontrol of Campylobacter in the […]

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ola rompiendo

Uhinak announces new dates

IV Cross-border Congress on Climate and Coastal Change, Uhinak, to be held on 4 and 5 November in Ficoba (Irun) The current health crisis resulting from COVID-19, as well as criteria of prudence and responsibility, have led to the decision to move this meeting that was going to be held from 30 September to 1 […]

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fondo marino

Biotechnology to reduce mercury pollution in marine sediments

The aim of the MER-CLUB project is to develop a technology based on the use of marine bacteria that have the capacity to degrade a toxic mercury compound that bio-accumulates in the trophic network, and thus improve the marine environment quality. The initiative led by the AZTI technology centre was launched in late 2019, with […]

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cocina casera

Confinados en casa: efectos del COVID-19 en las tendencias de consumo alimentario

NAGORE PICAZA. Experta en innovación tecnológica de AZTI ¿Como está cambiando el consumo en estos tiempos de confinamiento? ¿Retornaremos a nuestros hábitos una vez pase la crisis? ¿Qué oportunidades se vislumbran, ahora y post-COVID-19? La crisis sanitaria del COVID-19 que estamos viviendo a nivel mundial ha hecho que de la noche a la mañana cambiemos […]

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