Management of artisanal fisheries under an ecosystem approach with emphasis on inland waters
Key Results
AZTI technology centre has developed a set of tools that provide small-scale fishermen to operate taking into account the characterisation of the fishing grounds in which they operate according to the fishing gear used, the fishing effort, the profitability of these fishing grounds, or even the environmental impact produced by these fleets.
EBArtesa has made progress in the characterisation of a FLBEIA model (Bio-Economic Impact Assessment using FLR), a software for the bio-economic evaluation of a wide range of fisheries management strategies through simulation.
The aim of this project is to create a reference information framework for the small-scale fishing fleet, both for the artisanal sector itself and for the Administration and researchers, in order to be able to elaborate bio-socioeconomic indicators that will allow the management of this fleet based on a Marine Spatial Planning framework in the context of MSFD.
Special emphasis will be given throughout the project to the planning and management of the fleet in inland waters. The project will be a pioneer for the Basque Country in the sense that it takes a step towards spatial management by providing multidisciplinary geo-referenced information on fishing activity from AIS systems for vessel positioning.
To increase the current knowledge of the artisanal activity and the fishing areas (fishing grounds) in which it operates with emphasis on the activity of the artisanal coastal fishing in inland waters and the state of the fisheries.
From this knowledge, it is intended to advance towards a differentiated spatial management for the activity by improving the decision-making capacity of the sector itself, and its interaction with scientists and administration through the establishment of different collaborative platforms. All this will also help to determine the positioning of this subsector in relation to the rest of the fishing and non-fishing uses.
Funding |
GOBIERNO VASCO, Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras, Vice. de Agricultura, Pesca y Politica Alimentaria, Dirección de Pesca y Acuicultura |
Length |
May 2016- December 2018 |