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Technological development deeply constrains our perception of marine environments and ecosystems.

The main objective of the MARTECH Workshop is to share information and points of view on cutting-edge research in several fields of MARine TECHnology. MarTech is an internationally renewed venue for dissemination of marine technology research since 2008.

These are the main topics to be explored during this 12th edition:

  • Application case studies of Marine Technology
    Technology for Aquaculture and fisheries
    Technology for Marine Biology
    Operational Oceanography from in-situ observations (including moorings, landers, floats, ROVs, AUVs, ASVs, Gliders)
    Water management (including Water Industrial Applications and Water Treatment Plants)
    Remote sensing (including satellites, airplanes and land-based systems like HF radars and videometry)
    Seafloor and Water Column characterization
    Integrated technologies in coastal, regional, and offshore platforms and research vessels
    Technologies for marine pollution (including plastics, chemical contaminants, oil spills)
    Other Applications
  • Smart Bays enhanced by Marine Technology
    Test sites and test sites experiences
    Integrated technology platforms, sensors and facilities
    Data to products and services
    Digital twins (DTOs)
    Joining local needs and international standards
    Infrastructures predictive maintenance: structural health monitoring (e.g. vibration, corrosion, etc), data-driven maintenance, climate adaptation strategies
    Renewable Marine Energy
  • Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Sensors and Communication
    Instrumentation, Metrology, Signal processing
    Computer Architectures for AI
    Marine Robotics: ROVs, AUVs, ASVs, Gliders, including sensors, software and new vehicles
    Underwater Communications
    AI for Underwater Technology
    Seafloor observatories and sensor networks
    Underwater imaging and communication
    Marine Geophysics technology and solutions
    Marine Data Interoperability and data flow
    Intelligent Control Techniques
    Simulation, Modelling and Optimization

Find updated information on MARTECH 2025 at this LINK