This guide of best handling and release practices pretends to update the best options available at this time to maximize the survival of bycatch species accidentally captured, always having crew safety as the principal condition. Many of the new release evices shown are the result of collaborations between fishers and scientists.
The guidelines will be renewed in the future as new solutions are developed to avoid the catch or facilitate a more efficient release of bycatch species. A step forward to minimise the impact of extractive fishing.


  • Introduction
  • Sharks
  • Sea turtles
  • Mobulids and rays
  • Whale sharks and large cetaceans
  • General Notes
  • Acknowledgements

This guide has been financed by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan through Next Generation of the European Union. Other organisms such as the Fishing Department of the Basque Country, the Spanish General Fishing Secretariat, and the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) have collaborated supporting the development of the bycatch release devices.

Special thanks to the OPAGAC and ANABAC fleets for participating in experiments with release devices at sea.

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