Super Observatory of the Bay of Biscay, a comprehensive ecosystemic and multi-platform observatory

During the last decades and thanks to the participation in European, national and regional projects, AZTI (Marine Research Institute located in the Basque Country, SE Bay of Biscay) has been playing a key role in the Observation of the Bay of Biscay and the coastal zone of the Basque Country. Observational efforts, campaigns and initiatives (e.g. Coastal Operational Oceanography System EuskOOS, Climate Change Observatory, Network for the Ecological Quality Assessment of the Transitional and Coastal Waters, Multidisciplinary Ecosystem Campaigns) currently respond to questions of different disciplines and sectors. The project ebegi aims to capitalize these efforts by ensuring better communication and coordination between the different components of the ocean observation in the area for the development of a common scientific and technological strategy towards the constitution of an optimized observatory.
ebegi will enhance the provision of Marine Ecosystem Data (both historical and real-time) that respond to the needs associated with ecosystem-based management and other demands in the fields of conservation and recovery of Biodiversity and Habitats, the challenges of Climate and Global Changes and the implementation of Policies and Directives on the management of the marine environment.
Funding |
Basque Government |
Lenght |
2022 |